






求LPC11xx IAR启动文件 [复制链接]

小弟想把keil mdk下的LPC1114工程移植到IAR for ARM下,目前来说已经成了一个半成品,在keil下工程调试时可以在IDE中复位MCU,然后从头开始运行。但这个功能在IAR下不知道为何就是无法正常使用,如果点击回到程序开头那个按钮,程序依然不会回去到main函数开始处,而是继续保留在当前执行的地方。我怀疑我的启动文件有问题,大家知道在IAR下可以使用c文件编写启动文件也可以使用汇编文件编写启动文件,我自己参照其他的厂商的芯片编写了一个c语言版本的启动文件,如下,可能存在问题。但是不知道问题在哪?哪位大侠知道LPC11xx系列片子的IAR启动文件(.s 或.c都可以,只要能正常使用)能不能帮我贴一份出来,感激不尽!
  1. //*****************************************************************************
    // Enable the IAR extensions for this source file.
    #pragma language=extended

    // Forward declaration of the default fault handlers.
    static void NmiSR(void);
    static void FaultISR(void);
    static void IntDefaultHandler(void);

    // The entry point for the application.
    extern void __iar_program_start(void);

    // Reserve space for the system stack.
    #ifndef STACK_SIZE
    #define STACK_SIZE 120
    static unsigned long pulStack[STACK_SIZE] @ ".noinit";

    // A union that describes the entries of the vector table. The union is needed
    // since the first entry is the stack pointer and the remainder are function
    // pointers.
    typedef union
    void (*pfnHandler)(void);
    unsigned long ulPtr;

    // The minimal vector table for a Cortex-M0. Note that the proper constructs
    // must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
    // 0x0000.0000.

    __root const uVectorEntry __vector_table[] @ ".intvec" =
    { .ulPtr = (unsigned long)pulStack + sizeof(pulStack) },
    // The initial stack pointer
    __iar_program_start, // The reset handler
    NmiSR, // The NMI handler
    FaultISR, // The hard fault handler
    0, // The MPU fault handler
    0, // The bus fault handler
    0, // The usage fault handler
    0, // Reserved
    0, // Reserved
    0, // Reserved
    0, // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler, // SVCall handler
    IntDefaultHandler, // Debug monitor handler
    0, // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler, // The PendSV handler
    IntDefaultHandler, // The SysTick handler

    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 0: Wakeup PIO0.0
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 1: Wakeup PIO0.1
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 2: Wakeup PIO0.2
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 3: Wakeup PIO0.3
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 4: Wakeup PIO0.4
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 5: Wakeup PIO0.5
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 6: Wakeup PIO0.6
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 7: Wakeup PIO0.7
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 8: Wakeup PIO0.8
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 9: Wakeup PIO0.9
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 10: Wakeup PIO0.10
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+ 11: Wakeup PIO0.11
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+12: Wakeup PIO1.0
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+13: Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+14: SSP1
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+15: I2C
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+16: 16-bit Counter-Timer 0
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+17: 16-bit Counter-Timer 1
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+18: 32-bit Counter-Timer 0
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+19: 32-bit Counter-Timer 1
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+20: SSP0
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+21: UART
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+22: Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+23: Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+24: A/D Converter
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+25: Watchdog Timer
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+26: Brown Out Detect
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+27: Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+28: PIO INT3
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+29: PIO INT2
    IntDefaultHandler, // 16+30: PIO INT1

    volatile unsigned long* g_vector_table_address = (volatile unsigned long*)__vector_table;

    // This is the code that gets called when the processor receives a NMI. This
    // simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state for examination
    // by a debugger.
    static void
    // Enter an infinite loop.

    // This is the code that gets called when the processor receives a fault
    // interrupt. This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state
    // for examination by a debugger.
    static void
    // Enter an infinite loop.

    // This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an unexpected
    // interrupt. This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state
    // for examination by a debugger.
    static void
    // Go into an infinite loop.

此帖出自NXP MCU论坛
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