






MSP430 LaunchPad 硬件升级工具2.0 [复制链接]

LaunchPadFirmwareUpdater2.0.exe is a GUI-based utility to update the emulator firmware of the MSP430 Value Line LaunchPad kit (MSP-EXP430G2). With this update, your LaunchPad will be able to support all new and future MSP430G2xx Value Line devices.



OS Support: This utility has been tested and works under Windows XP (32 and 64-bit) and Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit)

Zip contents:

  • Readme.txt file
  • LaunchPadFirmwareUpdater2.0.exe

How to use the utility:

  1. Make sure the USB driver for LaunchPad is installed correctly on the used PC. Usually this requires either an MSP430 IDE being installed on the PC (either CCS or IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430) or an internet connection to load the driver from Microsoft. The LaunchPad USB driver is NOT provided with the update utility, the tool relies on a correctly installed USB driver.
  2. Plug in LaunchPad via USB with MSP430G2xx device on DIP socket. The update utility checks for the presence of the target device. No update will be performed if the DIP socket is empty.
  3. Make sure only ONE LaunchPad is connected to the PC at a time. The update utility will detect if more than one LaunchPad is connected and refuse to perform an update of the emulator firmware.
  4. Double click the LaunchPadFirmwareUpdater2.0.exe and follow instructions on the screen.
  5. IMPORTANT: Do not disconnect the LaunchPad from USB while the update is running! This might cause an unrecoverable error state of the LaunchPad!!!
  6. COMPLETE! LaunchPad is updated!


  • The GUI has been integrated with error windows/popups. If you encounter any issues, respond to this forum post with description and error code/number.
  • This utility will only support LaunchPad, and should not be used on the other eZ430 emulators.



3583.LaunchPadFirmwareUpdater.zip (927.14 KB, 下载次数: 36)

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