在低电压的MSP430中有个模块叫做JTAG Mailbox (JMB) System。介绍如下(英文的我就不翻译过来了):
The CSYS module provides the capability to exchange user data via the regular JTAG test/debug interface. The idea behind the JTAG mailbox system is to have a direct interface to the CPU during debugging, programming and test that is identical for all MSP430 devices of this family and uses only few or no user application resources. The JTAG interface was chosen because it is available on all MSP430 devices and is a dedicated resource for debugging, programming, and test. Applications of the JTAG mailbox system are: • Providing entry password for software security fuse • Run-time data exchange (RTDX) 好像跟普通JTAG没有很大的区别,总不能是个新的叫法吧!肯定是有啥变化,大家可以讨论讨论看看。