#include <EEPROM.h>
int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13 const char HELP_MSG[] = "Press :\r\n" \ " 0 display configuration\r\n" \ " 1 set configuration to 0x801F000 / 0x801F800 / 0x400 (RB MCU)\r\n" \ " 2 set configuration to 0x801F000 / 0x801F800 / 0x800 (ZE/RE MCU)\r\n" \ " 3 write/read variable\r\n" \ " 4 increment address\r\n" \ " 5 display pages top/bottom\r\n" \ " 6 initialize EEPROM\r\n" \ " 7 format EEPROM\r\n"; uint16 DataWrite = 0; uint16 AddressWrite = 0x10;
void setup() { // initialize the digital pin as an output: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); SerialUSB.print(HELP_MSG); }
void loop() { uint16 Status; uint16 Data;
while (SerialUSB.available()) { char cmd = (char)SerialUSB.read(); SerialUSB.println(cmd); if (cmd == '0') { DisplayConfig(); } else if (cmd == '1') { EEPROM.PageBase0 = 0x801F000; EEPROM.PageBase1 = 0x801F800; EEPROM.PageSize = 0x400; DisplayConfig(); } else if (cmd == '2') { EEPROM.PageBase0 = 0x801F000; EEPROM.PageBase1 = 0x801F800; EEPROM.PageSize = 0x800; DisplayConfig(); } else if (cmd == '3') { Status = EEPROM.write(AddressWrite, DataWrite); SerialUSB.print("EEPROM.write(0x"); SerialUSB.print(AddressWrite, HEX); SerialUSB.print(", 0x"); SerialUSB.print(DataWrite, HEX); SerialUSB.print(") : Status : "); SerialUSB.println(Status, HEX);
Status = EEPROM.read(AddressWrite, &Data); SerialUSB.print("EEPROM.read(0x"); SerialUSB.print(AddressWrite, HEX); SerialUSB.print(", &..) = 0x"); SerialUSB.print(Data, HEX); SerialUSB.print(" : Status : "); SerialUSB.println(Status, HEX);
++DataWrite; } else if (cmd == '4') { ++AddressWrite; } else if (cmd == '5') { DisplayPages(0x20); DisplayPagesEnd(0x20); } else if (cmd == '6') { Status = EEPROM.init(); SerialUSB.print("EEPROM.init() : "); SerialUSB.println(Status, HEX); SerialUSB.println(); } else if (cmd == '7') { Status = EEPROM.format(); SerialUSB.print("EEPROM.format() : "); SerialUSB.println(Status, HEX); } else SerialUSB.print(HELP_MSG); } digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); delay(500); }
void DisplayConfig(void) { SerialUSB.print ("EEPROM.PageBase0 : 0x"); SerialUSB.println(EEPROM.PageBase0, HEX); SerialUSB.print ("EEPROM.PageBase1 : 0x"); SerialUSB.println(EEPROM.PageBase1, HEX); SerialUSB.print ("EEPROM.PageSize : 0x"); SerialUSB.print (EEPROM.PageSize, HEX); SerialUSB.print (" ("); SerialUSB.print (EEPROM.PageSize, DEC); SerialUSB.println(")"); }
void DisplayHex(uint16 value) { if (value <= 0xF) SerialUSB.print("000"); else if (value <= 0xFF) SerialUSB.print("00"); else if (value <= 0xFFF) SerialUSB.print("0"); SerialUSB.print(value, HEX); }
void DisplayPages(uint32 endIndex) { SerialUSB.println("Page 0 Top Page 1");
for (uint32 idx = 0; idx < endIndex; idx += 4) { SerialUSB.print (EEPROM.PageBase0 + idx, HEX); SerialUSB.print (" : "); DisplayHex(*(uint16*)(EEPROM.PageBase0 + idx)); SerialUSB.print (" "); DisplayHex(*(uint16*)(EEPROM.PageBase0 + idx + 2)); SerialUSB.print (" "); SerialUSB.print (EEPROM.PageBase1 + idx, HEX); SerialUSB.print (" : "); DisplayHex(*(uint16*)(EEPROM.PageBase1 + idx)); SerialUSB.print (" "); DisplayHex(*(uint16*)(EEPROM.PageBase1 + idx + 2)); SerialUSB.println(); } }
void DisplayPagesEnd(uint32 endIndex) { SerialUSB.println("Page 0 Bottom Page 1");
for (uint32 idx = EEPROM.PageSize - endIndex; idx < EEPROM.PageSize; idx += 4) { SerialUSB.print (EEPROM.PageBase0 + idx, HEX); SerialUSB.print (" : "); DisplayHex(*(uint16*)(EEPROM.PageBase0 + idx)); SerialUSB.print (" "); DisplayHex(*(uint16*)(EEPROM.PageBase0 + idx + 2)); SerialUSB.print (" "); SerialUSB.print (EEPROM.PageBase1 + idx, HEX); SerialUSB.print (" : "); DisplayHex(*(uint16*)(EEPROM.PageBase1 + idx)); SerialUSB.print (" "); DisplayHex(*(uint16*)(EEPROM.PageBase1 + idx + 2)); SerialUSB.println(); } }
[ 本帖最后由 ssawee 于 2012-1-23 23:29 编辑 ]