• Time-Base Period Shadow Mode: The TBPRD shadow register is enabled when TBCTL[PRDLD] = 0. Reads from and writes to the TBPRD memory address go to the shadow register. The shadow register contents are transferred to the active register (TBPRD (Active) ← TBPRD (shadow)) when the time-base counter equals zero (TBCTR = 0x0000). By default the TBPRD shadow register is enabled.
• Software Forced Synchronization Pulse: Writing a 1 to the TBCTL[SWFSYNC] control bit invokes a software forced synchronization. This pulse is ORed with the synchronization input signal, and therefore has the same effect as a pulse on EPWMxSYNCI.
[ 本帖最后由 安_然 于 2012-1-9 15:01 编辑 ]