晶体材料是现代电子和光电子技术的基础。因此,这些材料的电子特性,如(各向异性) 电导率和光电导率以及与这些特性有关的温度依存性,都是研究人员关注的问题。采用大量结晶技术的晶体生长尺寸可能不大,但往往表现出极高的电阻。这个应用笔记说明如何利用专门设计的测量室和分子束沉积(MBD)系统(在晶体或薄膜生长过程中对其进行现场测量)来测量高达1017W的电阻。
Crystalline materials are fundamental to modern electronics andoptoelectronics. Therefore, the electrical properties of thesematerials, such as their and photocon-ductivity, as well as the temperature dependencies associatedwith these properties, are of great interest to researchers. Thecrystals grown using a number of crystallization techniques maybe small in size and often exhibit very high resistances. Thisapplication note describes how to measure resistances as high as1017Ω in a specially designed measurement chamber, as well asin a Molecular Beam Deposition (MBD) system that allowsmaking in-situ measurements during crystal or film growth.
了解更多信息 要想了解有关6517A型静电计/高阻表或者吉时利其他系列数字源表的更多信息,请点击http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a,或者联系吉时利公司:全国免费电话800-810-1334手机用户请拨打440-650-1334。
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