Shorter product life and increased technology drive the need for configurable test systems that maximize manufacturers’ investments. The introduction of the Series 2600A System SourceMeter instruments updates the existing Series 2600 instruments to address the parallel test requirements and timecritical applications of today’s test engineers.
Just what improvements were made? Table 1 provides an overview of the significant differences between the Series 2600A and the Series 2600.
表1 2600系列和2600A系统数字源表特性/能力比较
特性特性 |
能力/性能 |
2600系列(非-A) |
2600A系列 |
内置扫描生成 |
内置ICL,可以配置线性、日志和清单扫描。直接与触发模型连接,实现精密定时控制。 |
灵活的触发模型 |
否 |
是 |
精密脉冲定时 |
最小脉宽= 200μs。脉冲同步只限于两个通道。SMUA脉宽必须比SMUB脉宽宽40μs。 |
最小脉宽 =100μs。能够从多个节点输出同步脉冲,与脉宽无关。 |
在扩展操作区域进行脉宽调制 |
仅2611、2612两个型号 |
所有型号都具有10A脉冲能力 |
并行测试 |
仅使用多个TSP-Link网络。只有通过数字I/O端口之间的外部线缆,才有可能实现同步。 |
在单个TSP-Link网络中,可以实现异步和同步并行测试。同步操作不需要额外线缆。 |
单一测量到内存的读数速率 |
10000读数/秒 |
20000读数/秒 |
USB内存 |
否 |
是 |
源噪声因型号而异。2601/02/11/12 型噪声比2635/36型噪声高。
2601A/02A/11A/12A型源噪声较低,满足2635/36规范。所有型号的源噪声都低于20mVp-p (典型值)。 |
LAN接口,具有LXI软件触发功能 |
不可用 |
是 |
基于web的嵌入式软件,实现快速、简易测试 |
不可用 |
是,而且免费! |
Current users of the Series 2600 SourceMeter instruments will find migrating their applications to Series 2600A instruments easy. Nearly all the commands for the Series 2600A are backward compatible, so existing programs should run with little or no modification. Better still, with some code modification to support the new trigger model, the Series 2600A offers users the potential to achieve throughput improvements, as well as synchronization of source and measure operations across multiple units.
To highlight the advantages the Series 2600A offers, thisapplication note considers new features in light of common semiconductor test applications.
了解更多信息 要想了解有关2600A系列数字源表或者吉时利其他系列数字源表的更多信息,或者咨询全套直接可用的多通道测试系统的价格,请点击https://admin.acrobat.com/_a16893448/p81871518/,或者联系吉时利公司:全国免费电话800-810-1334手机用户请拨打440-650-1334。
吉时利仪器公司(中国)市场部 (T) 8008101334, 8610 82255010, 82255011 |