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Microsoft Application Technologies

Charteris has unique experience in the practical implementation of enterprise-class systems based on .NET. We are one of the few companies with such demonstrable depth and breadth of skills in these technologies.

Our experience has been gained by working directly alongside Microsoft, as a Microsoft Gold Partner, at the cutting edge of technology, and on some of Microsoft's most challenging developments in the UK.  Today Charteris maintains that pre-eminent position through continued involvement in delivering solutions that use the latest Microsoft technology, often working directly with Microsoft to solve problems that have defeated others.

The new expanded Charteris now has unrivalled experience in the following Microsoft technologies:

  • .NET Framework, particularly through the use of C# and the Visual Studio toolset
  • BizTalk Server
  • SQL Server
  • Sharepoint Server

In addition to working at the leading edge of Microsoft technologies we have a wealth of experience of working with previous generations of Microsoft technologies such as COM/DNA.

We can take full lifecycle responsibility for delivering business solutions based upon these core technologies.  Our ability to deliver complete solutions is ensured by a combination of Charteris especially developed Quality Framework and Delivery Frameworks.

To complement our considerable experience of working with Microsoft technologies we have access to best-of-breed skills through the ONCIS alliance, of which Charteris was a founder member. 

Alternatively we can provide individuals or teams of specialists to assist in resourcing client projects, including mentoring client teams, as well as advising on best practice in relation to Microsoft Application Development Technologies.

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