给大家推荐一个国际学术会议: The 4th IEEE Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference APPEEC 2012 第四届IEEE亚太电力与能源工程国际会议 2012年3月26-28日 中国,上海 http://www.appeecconf.org/2012/
第四届亚太电力与能源工程国际会议将于2012年3月26日至28日在上海召开,会议由美国IEEE电力与能源协会(PES)、上海交通大学、武汉大学、同济大学、工程信息研究院等多所高校和研究机构共同举办。本次会议将邀请PES协会主席Dr. Noel Schulz及国内外知名专家到会场作报告,旨在为参会的专家学者提供一个高水平的学术交流平台,共同探讨电力、能源领域的新技术与新应用。APPEEC作为国内该领域最顶级的会议之一,目前已成功召开三届。APPEEC2011在会后2个月内即被Ei核心检索。 会议论文集将由IEEE出版,所有被收录的会议论文将被Ei和ISTP双检索。会议的部分优秀论文(扩展版)将推荐到相关SCI或EI期刊上发表。
会议主题: Power Generation - Conventional and Renewable Hydropower technologies and applications Thermal power technologies and applications Safe nuclear energy generation and utilization Wind power generation and utilization Bio-energy technologies, process and utilization New technologies and design for energy efficiency New technologies for minimizing CO2 generation Environmental-friendly technologies for power generation Geothermal and tidal wave energy Photovoltaic for solar power applications Waste products as fuel Other sustainable energy Power System Management Power system management technologies Integrated substation automation technologies Power system monitoring and mitigation technologies Online monitoring and fault diagnosis system Control strategies for modern power system stability Modeling and simulation of large power systems Application of wide area measurement system (WAMS) Power system analysis and optimization Load modeling, estimation and forecast Power system planning and operation Power Transmission and Distribution Ultra High Voltage (UHV) technologies HVDC and flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) Over-voltage, lightning protection and grounding Electromagnetic transient in high voltage power systems Insulation condition monitoring in power systems Advanced distribution and SCADA technologies Electromagnetic compatibility in power systems Plasma physics and the pulsed power technology Electromagnetic analysis in power systems Smart Grid Technologies Modeling of Grid environments Agent-based mechanisms for Grid markets Resource allocation in Grid scenarios using agent-based approaches Automated negotiation for Grid resource allocation Agent-based simulation of Grid environments and markets Agent-based Computational Economics for Grid Engineering of Grid markets and Grid architectures Technical research on future application domains
论文提交要求: 本会议只接受英文投稿。 所有文章请按照IEEE模板排版,详细要求见会议网站。
相关说明: 1.我们欢迎有关专家提供特别分会议题,请将建议发至组委会邮箱 2.本次会议将采取分批审稿,分批发放的形式,先投先审先发通知。 3.会后将提供上海免费一日游。 4.若有意成为协办院校,请联系组委会。协办院校师生投稿一律在学生价基础享受九折优惠。
重要日期: 投稿截止:2011年11月18日 录用通知:2011年11月30日之前
联系方式: 组委会秘书:张老师 电话:13247176472 邮箱:appeec@scirp.org QQ号:87123853 QQ群:128918460 129876439 APPEEC2011已成功被Ei和ISTP检索