本人做了一块TMS320C6747的板子 这两天调试CCS一直连接不上报错 错误如下:Error 0x80000240/-275 Fatal Error during :Initialization ,OCS, This error was generated by TI's USCIF driver. SC_ERR_SCAN_POLL_BUSY<-275> The attempt to poll a target device exceeded its timeout limit. The utility or debugger has requested that a target device be repeatedly accessed for a specific data or status value. This has failed because the built-in limit for the maximum number of attempts when polling the JTAG scan-path has been exceeded. I/O Port=0
Board Name:XDS5100USB C674X Emulator
CPU Name: TMS320C674X_0
CCS版本是3.3 安装了补丁 仿真器用的是 ICETECK5100 UBS2.0
经过两天调试 板子上的电压5V 3.3V 1.2V均正常 复位信号正常 DSP时钟用的24M CLKOUT有输出 不过波形顶部和底部略有失真。JTAG口的话 TMS 正常 TDI 是3.3V TDO没电压 TCK正常 软件配置也是按说明书做的