






使用编译后的数据库文件作为连接文件提供给FPGA 模块需要者 [复制链接]

If you want to keep your design files private for security reasons, you can use the Quartus® II database to send someone your full compilation results without sending your source design files. The Quartus II-generated database does not contain the source HDL code. Refer to the Related Solutions below for additional information on sending design netlists without sending source code.

You can use one of the following two methods to create a database of the design that does not include any source or HDL design files: using a Quartus II archive file including the database, or manually creating a database archive.

Method 1: Using a Quartus II Archive File

Use the following procedure to export a Quartus II design database that does not include design source files. This method creates one archive file that someone else can use to recreate the project and compilation results without the source HDL files.

  1. In the Quartus II software, from the Project menu, choose Archive Project.
  2. Enter an Archive file name. The default is the current revision name for the project.
  3. Under Include the following optional database files, select one of the following options:
    • If the option is available for your device family, select Version-compatible database files (For future versions of the Quartus II software). This option is typically not available for devices that include any preliminary information in the Quartus II software (that is, the newest device families).
    • If the above option is not available, select Compilation and simulation database files (For current versions of the Quartus II software). Note that this archive must be opened in the same Quartus II software version if you want to preserve the compilation results from the database.
  4. Click Add/Remove Files.
  5. Highlight the design files that do you not want to include in the archive, and click Remove. To highlight multiple files at once, hold the Ctrl key and click on each one, or hold the Shift key to highlight a set of files. You can also sort by file type by clicking on the Type column header; this allows you to find all the HDL files easily. Note that you can also remove other large files from the archive to reduce the archive file size, such as .pof, .sof, .pin, and .rpt files. Do not remove any files from the db directory.
  6. Click OK in the Archive Complete dialog box that appears. If you chose to create a version-compatible database, by default the archive process creates a copy of the database in a directory called export_db.
  7. You can now send out the software-generated archive file with the name <archive file name>.qar.

Use the following procedure to restore the archived project:

  1. In the Quartus II software, from the Project menu, choose Restored Archived Project.
  2. Browse to select the Archive name, <archive file name>.qar.
  3. Type or browse to the Destination folder.
  4. Click OK.
  5. When prompted about creating the archive directory, click Yes.
  6. Click OK to open the project.
  7. If the archive included a version-compatible database, follow these additional steps to import the database:
    1. On the Project menu, choose Import Database.
    2. Browse to the location of the export_db directory that you are importing. By default, the software correctly selects the new export_db subdirectory that was created when you restored the archive.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Click OK when the database has been imported.
  8. You can now view the Compilation Report, use tools such as the Technology Map Viewer and Chip Planner, or re-run any post-synthesis processing stage such as the Fitter or Timing Analyzer. You cannot view the source files or open the RTL Viewer.

Method 2: Manually Creating a Database Archive

Use the following procedure to manually create a design database that does not include design source files. With this method, you can manually select which project files you want to send along with the database, instead of selecting to remove the source files from the project, as you do in method 1. This method requires more than one file to recreate the project and compilation results without the source files.

  1. If version-compatible databases are supported for your device family, follow these steps to export the database. This option is typically not available for devices that include any preliminary information in the Quartus II software (that is, the newest device families).
    1. In the Quartus II software, from the Project menu, choose Export Database.
    2. Enter the Export Directory. The default is an export_db subdirectory within the current project directory.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Click OK when the database export is successful.
  2. In your operating system environment (for example, Windows Explorer or command prompt), browse to the export_db directory (for a version-compatible database) or the db directory (for a standard version-specific database) within your project directory.
  3. Compress the database directory in the format of your choice (for example a WinZip *.zip file or a *.tar file).
  4. You can now send out the compressed database file, along with the Quartus II Settings File <revision>.qsf , Quartus II Project File <project>.qpf, and any additional settings or constraint files such as <revision>.sdc files.

Use the following procedure to open the project files and database created with the method described above:

  1. Copy the project files to a new project directory in your operating system: Quartus II Settings File <revision>.qsf , Quartus II Project File <project>.qpf, and any additional settings or constraint files such as <revision>.sdc files.
  2. Uncompress the database file in your operating system as a subdirectory to the new project directory.
  3. In the Quartus II software, from the Project menu, choose Open Project.
  4. Browse to the <revision>.qpf file.
  5. Click Open.
  6. If the compressed file included a version-compatible database, follow these additional steps to import the database:
    1. On the Project menu, choose Import Database.
    2. Browse to the uncompressed database directory for the project.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Click OK when the database has been imported.
  7. You can now view the Compilation Report, use tools such as the Technology Map Viewer and Chip Planner, or re-run any post-synthesis processing stage such as the Fitter or Timing Analyzer. You cannot view the source files or open the RTL Viewer.
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