#include \"DSP281x_Device.h\" // DSP281x Headerfile Include File
#include \"DSP281x_Examples.h\" // DSP281x Examples Include File
void init_eva(void);
void init_evb(void);
void main(void)
// Enable PWM pins
GpioMuxRegs.GPAMUX.all = 0x00FF; // EVA PWM 1-6 pins
GpioMuxRegs.GPBMUX.all = 0x00FF; // EVB PWM 7-12 pins
// Disable CPU interrupts
// Disable CPU interrupts and clear all CPU interrupt flags:
IER = 0x0000;
IFR = 0x0000;
// Service Routines (ISR).
for(; ;
void init_eva()
// EVA Configure T1PWM, T2PWM, PWM1-PWM6
// Initalize the timers
// Initalize EVA Timer1
EvaRegs.T1PR = 0xFFFF; // Timer1 period
EvaRegs.T1CMPR = 0x3C00; // Timer1 compare
EvaRegs.T1CNT = 0x0000; // Timer1 counter
// TMODE = continuous up/down
// Timer enable
// Timer compare enable
EvaRegs.T1CON.all = 0x1042;
// Initalize EVA Timer2
EvaRegs.T2PR = 0x0FFF; // Timer2 period
EvaRegs.T2CMPR = 0x03C0; // Timer2 compare
EvaRegs.T2CNT = 0x0000; // Timer2 counter
// TMODE = continuous up/down
// Timer enable
// Timer compare enable
EvaRegs.T2CON.all = 0x1042;
// Setup T1PWM and T2PWM
// Drive T1/T2 PWM by compare logic
EvaRegs.GPTCONA.bit.TCMPOE = 1;
// Polarity of GP Timer 1 Compare = Active low
EvaRegs.GPTCONA.bit.T1PIN = 1;
// Polarity of GP Timer 2 Compare = Active high
EvaRegs.GPTCONA.bit.T2PIN = 2;
// Enable compare for PWM1-PWM6
EvaRegs.CMPR1 = 0x0C00;
EvaRegs.CMPR2 = 0x3C00;
EvaRegs.CMPR3 = 0xFC00;
// Compare action control. Action that takes place
// on a cmpare event
// output pin 1 CMPR1 - active high
// output pin 2 CMPR1 - active low
// output pin 3 CMPR2 - active high
// output pin 4 CMPR2 - active low
// output pin 5 CMPR3 - active high
// output pin 6 CMPR3 - active low
EvaRegs.ACTRA.all = 0x0666;
EvaRegs.DBTCONA.all = 0x0000; // Disable deadband
EvaRegs.COMCONA.all = 0xA600;
void init_evb()
// EVB Configure T3PWM, T4PWM and PWM7-PWM12
// Step 1 - Initialize the Timers
// Initialize EVB Timer3
// Timer3 controls T3PWM and PWM7-12
EvbRegs.T3PR = 0xFFFF; // Timer3 period
EvbRegs.T3CMPR = 0x3C00; // Timer3 compare
EvbRegs.T3CNT = 0x0000; // Timer3 counter
// TMODE = continuous up/down
// Timer enable
// Timer compare enable
EvbRegs.T3CON.all = 0x1042;
// Initialize EVB Timer4
// Timer4 controls T4PWM
EvbRegs.T4PR = 0x00FF; // Timer4 period
EvbRegs.T4CMPR = 0x0030; // Timer4 compare
EvbRegs.T4CNT = 0x0000; // Timer4 counter
// TMODE = continuous up/down
// Timer enable
// Timer compare enable
EvbRegs.T4CON.all = 0x1042;
// Setup T3PWM and T4PWM
// Drive T3/T4 PWM by compare logic
EvbRegs.GPTCONB.bit.TCMPOE = 1;
// Polarity of GP Timer 3 Compare = Active low
EvbRegs.GPTCONB.bit.T3PIN = 1;
// Polarity of GP Timer 4 Compare = Active high
EvbRegs.GPTCONB.bit.T4PIN = 2;
// Enable compare for PWM7-PWM12
EvbRegs.CMPR4 = 0x0C00;
EvbRegs.CMPR5 = 0x3C00;
EvbRegs.CMPR6 = 0xFC00;
// Compare action control. Action that takes place
// on a cmpare event
// output pin 1 CMPR4 - active high
// output pin 2 CMPR4 - active low
// output pin 3 CMPR5 - active high
// output pin 4 CMPR5 - active low
// output pin 5 CMPR6 - active high
// output pin 6 CMPR6 - active low
EvbRegs.ACTRB.all = 0x0666;
EvbRegs.DBTCONB.all = 0x0000; // Disable deadband
EvbRegs.COMCONB.all = 0xA600;
[ 本贴由 blue-sky 于 2007-8-9 10:47 PM 最后编辑 ]
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2007-8-9 14:44, 下载次数: 111