板子性能: Measuring just 3.5" by 1.5", the Stellaris LM3S811 Evaluation Kit is exceptional for its compactness and versatility, spanning the design spectrum from evaluation to prototyping to application-specific design by functioning as both an evaluation platform for the Stellaris LM3S811 microcontroller and a serial in-circuit debug interface for any Stellaris microcontroller-based target board. The kit features:
* LM3S811 Evaluation Board * 50 MHz Stellaris LM3S811 ARM Cortex-M3-based microcontroller * 96x16 pixel OLED display * User-programmable push button and LED * Convenient reset push button and power indicator LED * Thumbwheel potentiometer input to the on-chip ADC * Serial in-circuit debug interface over USB * Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library, which provides a convenient, no-hassle method of initializing, programming, and controlling peripherals on Stellaris microcontrollers * Stellaris CD packed with: o Evaluation version of the software tools o Complete documentation: datasheets, schematics, applications notes, and programming examples o Quickstart guide o Quickstart application source code o StellarisWare® Peripheral Driver Library and example source code o Port and example application using FreeRTOS.org™ small footprint real time operating system