这样就好了,其实就这么简单的事情!非的搞的很复杂似的。“Reset SequenceAfter the processor exits reset, it will read two words from memory:Address 0x00000000: Starting value of R13 (the stack pointer)Address 0x00000004: Reset vector (the starting address of program execution; LSBshould be set to 1 to indicate Thumb state)”谢谢楼上的各位关注!
发表于 2008-6-28 13:04
" After this startup delay has elapsed, the CPU starts code execution from the boot memory, located at the bottom of the memory address space starting from 0x0000 0000. "
Reset Sequence After the processor exits reset, it will read two words from memory: Address 0x00000000: Starting value of R13 (the stack pointer) Address 0x00000004: Reset vector (the starting address of program execution; LSB should be set to 1 to indicate Thumb state)
“Reset Sequence After the processor exits reset, it will read two words from memory: Address 0x00000000: Starting value of R13 (the stack pointer) Address 0x00000004: Reset vector (the starting address of program execution; LSB should be set to 1 to indicate Thumb state) ” 谢谢楼上的各位关注!