The latest STM32 MCUs in the QFN36 package are in volume production and devices with 256 Kbytes and larger Flash memories are currently being sampled. Distribution pricing, in quantities of 10,000, for the STM32 MCUs is: $3.72 for 256 Kbytes of Flash in an LQFP64 and $5.88 for 512 Kbytes of Flash in an LQFP144 (Access Line); and $4.31 for 256 Kbytes of Flash in an LQFP64 and $6.51 for 512 Kbytes of Flash in an LQFP144 (Performance Line). The full family starts at 32 Kbytes and distribution pricing in quantities of 10,000 is: $1.80 for a 32-Kbyte Flash MCU (Access Line) and $2.20 for a 32-Kbyte Flash MCU (Performance Line) in a QFN36 package.