Family: LatticeXP2 Part name: LFXP2-5E-5QN208C
代码: ODDRX2B ud_0 ( .DA0(Data[0]), .DB0(Data[1]), .DA1(Data[2]), .DB1(Data[3]), .ECLK(EClk), .SCLK(SClk), .RST(scuba_vlo), .Q(buf_Q0))/*synthesis GSR="DISABLED" */;
OB buf_Q0_out_inst (.I(buf_Q0), .O(out_LVDS_CLK));
运行 Map Timing Checkpoint 的错误信息: ================================================================================ Internal Preference: Timing Rule Check 5 items scored, 5 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section of the Trace report will identify any inherent timing rule violations in the design. These rules may be independent of preferences.
Error: out_LVDS_CLK_MGIOL exceeds CLK to ECLKO skew range from -4.121ns to -0.312ns
Max skew of 0.000ns exceeds timing requirement of -0.312ns by 0.312ns