library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity cell_temp is port(
reset: in std_logic; clkmain: in std_logic; clk1us_serial: in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); clk64us_serial: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); clk900ms_serial: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- toout_dq: inout std_logic; toout_temp: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
); end cell_temp; architecture behav of cell_temp is
--constant COM_RESET_DATA: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):="00100111";
signal temp10: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal tempsub10: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal tempret10: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal temp10_temp: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal temp10_data: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal temp10_ddd: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal ptoout_temp: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); signal temp10_n: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal temp10_clk900ms_serial: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal temp10_time_serial: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
proc10:process(clkmain,reset) begin if(reset='0')then toout_dq<='Z'; temp10(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempret10(2 downto 0)<="000"; ptoout_temp(15 downto 8)<="00010001"; ptoout_temp(7 downto 0)<="00010001"; temp10_ddd(7 downto 0)<="00000000"; temp10_ddd(15 downto 8)<="00000000"; toout_temp(7 downto 0)<="00010001"; elsif(clkmain'event and clkmain='1')then if(ptoout_temp(7 downto 0)>=ptoout_temp(15 downto 8))then temp10_ddd(7 downto 0)<=ptoout_temp(7 downto 0)-ptoout_temp(15 downto 8); else temp10_ddd(7 downto 0)<=ptoout_temp(15 downto 8)-ptoout_temp(7 downto 0); end if; if(ptoout_temp(15 downto 8)>=ptoout_temp(23 downto 16))then temp10_ddd(15 downto 8)<=ptoout_temp(15 downto 8)-ptoout_temp(23 downto 16); else temp10_ddd(15 downto 8)<=ptoout_temp(23 downto 16)-ptoout_temp(15 downto 8); end if; if((temp10_ddd(7 downto 0)<"00000111") and (temp10_ddd(15 downto 8)<"00000111"))then toout_temp(7 downto 0)<=ptoout_temp(7 downto 0); end if; if(temp10(2 downto 0)="000")then toout_dq<='1'; if(clk900ms_serial(2 downto 0)/=temp10_clk900ms_serial(2 downto 0))then temp10_clk900ms_serial(2 downto 0)<=clk900ms_serial(2 downto 0); temp10(2 downto 0)<="010"; -----goto reset/delay tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempret10(2 downto 0)<="000"; end if; elsif(temp10(2 downto 0)="001")then ------main_step toout_dq<='1'; if(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="000")then ------write "0xcc"; temp10(2 downto 0)<="011"; -----goto write tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempret10(2 downto 0)<="001"; temp10_data(7 downto 0)<="11001100"; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="001")then ------write "0xbe"; temp10(2 downto 0)<="011"; -----goto write tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempret10(2 downto 0)<="010"; temp10_data(7 downto 0)<="10111110"; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="010")then ------read 1 byte ""; temp10(2 downto 0)<="100"; -----goto read tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempret10(2 downto 0)<="011"; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="011")then ------read 2 byte ""; temp10(2 downto 0)<="100"; -----goto read tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempret10(2 downto 0)<="100"; temp10_temp(3 downto 0)<=temp10_data(7 downto 4); elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="100")then -----reset/delay temp10(2 downto 0)<="010"; -----goto reset tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempret10(2 downto 0)<="101"; ptoout_temp(3 downto 0)<=temp10_temp(3 downto 0); ptoout_temp(7 downto 4)<=temp10_data(3 downto 0); ptoout_temp(23 downto 8)<=ptoout_temp(15 downto 0); elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="101")then ------write "0xcc"; temp10(2 downto 0)<="011"; -----goto write tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempret10(2 downto 0)<="110"; temp10_data(7 downto 0)<="11001100"; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="110")then ------write "0x44"; temp10(2 downto 0)<="011"; -----goto write tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempret10(2 downto 0)<="111"; temp10_data(7 downto 0)<="01000100"; else --elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="111")then ------end; temp10(2 downto 0)<="000"; -----goto start tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="000"; end if; elsif(temp10(2 downto 0)="010")then -----goto_reset/delay if(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="000")then toout_dq<='0'; temp10_time_serial(3 downto 0)<=clk64us_serial(3 downto 0); tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="001"; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="001")then if((clk64us_serial(3 downto 0)-temp10_time_serial(3 downto 0))>"1001")then toout_dq<='Z'; temp10_time_serial(3 downto 0)<=clk64us_serial(3 downto 0); tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="010"; end if; --elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="010")then else toout_dq<='Z'; if((clk64us_serial(3 downto 0)-temp10_time_serial(3 downto 0))>"0111")then temp10(2 downto 0)<="001"; tempsub10(2 downto 0)<=tempret10(2 downto 0); end if; end if; elsif(temp10(2 downto 0)="011")then -----goto_write if(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="000")then temp10_n(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="001"; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="001")then toout_dq<='0'; temp10_time_serial(2 downto 0)<=clk1us_serial(2 downto 0); tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="010"; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="010")then if((clk1us_serial(2 downto 0)-temp10_time_serial(2 downto 0))>"101")then toout_dq<=temp10_data(0); temp10_data(6 downto 0)<=temp10_data(7 downto 1); temp10_time_serial(5 downto 0)<=clk1us_serial(5 downto 0); tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="011"; end if; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="011")then if((clk1us_serial(5 downto 0)-temp10_time_serial(5 downto 0))>"111101")then toout_dq<='1'; temp10_time_serial(2 downto 0)<=clk1us_serial(2 downto 0); tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="100"; end if; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="100")then if((clk1us_serial(2 downto 0)-temp10_time_serial(2 downto 0))>"011")then if(temp10_n(2 downto 0)>"110")then temp10_time_serial(2 downto 0)<=clk1us_serial(2 downto 0); tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="101"; else tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="001"; temp10_n(2 downto 0)<=temp10_n(2 downto 0)+'1'; end if; end if; --elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="101")then else if((clk1us_serial(2 downto 0)-temp10_time_serial(2 downto 0))>"101")then temp10(2 downto 0)<="001"; tempsub10(2 downto 0)<=tempret10(2 downto 0); end if; end if; elsif(temp10(2 downto 0)="100")then -----goto_read else if(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="000")then temp10_n(2 downto 0)<="000"; tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="001"; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="001")then toout_dq<='0'; temp10_time_serial(2 downto 0)<=clk1us_serial(2 downto 0); tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="010"; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="010")then if((clk1us_serial(2 downto 0)-temp10_time_serial(2 downto 0))>"010")then toout_dq<='Z'; temp10_time_serial(2 downto 0)<=clk1us_serial(2 downto 0); tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="011"; end if; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="011")then if((clk1us_serial(2 downto 0)-temp10_time_serial(2 downto 0))>"101")then temp10_data(7)<=toout_dq; temp10_data(6 downto 0)<=temp10_data(7 downto 1); temp10_time_serial(5 downto 0)<=clk1us_serial(5 downto 0); tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="100"; end if; elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="100")then if((clk1us_serial(5 downto 0)-temp10_time_serial(5 downto 0))>"111101")then tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="101"; end if; --elsif(tempsub10(2 downto 0)="101")then else if(temp10_n(2 downto 0)>"110")then temp10(2 downto 0)<="001"; tempsub10(2 downto 0)<=tempret10(2 downto 0); else tempsub10(2 downto 0)<="001"; temp10_n(2 downto 0)<=temp10_n(2 downto 0)+'1'; end if; end if; end if;
end if; end process proc10;
end behav;