首先通常要声明的有三个结构体变量: FATFS fs;描述文件系统 FIL fil;描述文件 DIR dir;描述文件目录
之后要挂载文件系统或许只用过windows的朋友不知道什么是挂载,其实在win中这是自动进行的, f_mount(0, &fs);
f_open(&fil, "srcfile.dat", FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ); "FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ"为打开文件的方式,通过或运算符来表示同时具有这两种属性
FA_READ | Specifies read access to the object. Data can be read from the file. Combine with FA_WRITE for read-write access. |
FA_WRITE | Specifies write access to the object. Data can be written to the file. Combine with FA_READ for read-write access. |
FA_OPEN_EXISTING | Opens the file. The function fails if the file is not existing. |
FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | Opens the file, if it is existing. If not, the function creates the new file. |
FA_CREATE_NEW | Creates a new file. The function fails if the file is already existing. |
FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | Creates a new file. If the file is existing, it is truncated and overwritten. |
f_read(&fil, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &b);将buffer(“BYTE”类型的数组)数组长度的内容读入buffer中 br是一个指针,用获取读取字节数的信息
f_write(&fil, buffer, k, &b); 将buffer中前k个字节写入文件中
f_close(&fil);关闭文件 f_mount(0, NULL);关闭文件系统