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Universal Dev Board Accepts MSP430, C2000, or Stellaris MCU Chips


sample of a new development board arrived from SchmartBoard, a company that has created a cornucopia of breadboards and SMT-IC adapters along with a unique way to solder fine-pitch chips to them. The new board, called the Texas Instruments Microcontroller Development SchmartModule, will accept 48- or 64-pin MCUs in TI's MSP430, C2000, and Stellaris ARM Cortex-M3 families. That range gives engineers and product designers a large number of devices to choose from. For detailed information, visit: www.schmartboard.com/index.asp?page=products_dev&id=331.

The 4 x 4-inch (10 x 10 cm) board supplies four 16-pin headers (single pin per signal) that give you access to all  48 or 64 signals on your MCU of choice. In addition, it breaks out separate JTAG connections for MSP430, Stellaris, or C2000 (Piccolo) MCUs. The board's schematic diagram and Configuration Instructions shows how to configure jumpers to make the proper connections for power and ground, oscillator inputs, and so on. Each board comes with jumper clips and sets of single- and dual-pin male headers (0.1-in, 2.5-mm centers) you can solder to a board as needed. SchmartBoard sells the board kit (part no. 710-0006-01) for $US 30 each. You supply the MCU chip.

You will need some capacitors, resistors, and a few inductors and crystals, depending on the MCU you choose. The board will accept these components in either surface-mount (0603) or through-hole (wire lead) packages. Some of the wire-lead components might require the "Manhattan-style" construction in which they stick up off the board like tall buildings.

The SchmartBoard "ez" soldering technique employs narrow channels created by the thick solder mask on the circuit board. Each channel accepts a small leads from a surface-mount chip package. Thus, the leads drop into the proper channels and you need not worry about proper alignment of solder pads and chip leads. You need only a small fine-point soldering iron and flux (which SchmartBoard sells separately).  The channels provide enough solder so you don't have to fool with fine-gauge solder wire. For a 3-minute video, visit: www.schmartboard.com/index.asp?page=movie.

 To load code into an MSP430 MCU you will need aUSB MSP-FET430UIF flash emulation tool that links the MCU on the board with either TI's Code Composer Studio (CCS) or IAR Systems' Embedded Workbench, Kickstart Edition.  The MSP-FET430UIF has a retail price between $US 76 and $US 116, depending on which vendor you choose. You can find a schematic diagram for the MSP-FET430UIF circuit, but I recommend against trying to duplicate it--it's just not worth your time or energy.

You can power a board with up to 12V DC via a standard circular connector of the type found on many "wall-wart" power cubes. Just ensure you use one with sufficient filtering to produce a good DC output. An on-board regulator produces the 3.3V power for the MCU chip and an LED indicates a powered state.

SchmartBoard produces several other types of dev boards and a wide variety of other prototyping tools. If you prototype circuits, they deserve your attention.


[ 本帖最后由 安_然 于 2010-11-11 13:30 编辑 ]
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