57. What is the requirement for phase noise at 1k offset, 10kHz offset, and 100kHz offset for GSM handset? GSM手机的相位噪声为1k、10kHz和100kHz的情况下,需要满足什么条件? 答:For GSM handset RX it has several architectures to implement: Superheterodyne,near zero-IF,zero-IF,different architecture may have different LOs requirement and frequency plan,also it's related to the design of filters. 对于GSM手机RX,需要实现:超外差接近于零中频(zero-IF)。不同架构的零中频不同。Los要求以及频率规划(frequency plan),这与滤波器的设计有关。
65. 怎样解决高频LC振荡电路的二次谐振或者多次谐振? 答:可以改善振荡器反馈网络的频率选择性,或者利用输入匹配电路以削弱谐波。 附:相关英文回答原文: You can improve the frequency selectivity of oscillator feedback network or take advantage of the output matching circuitry to attenuate the harmonics.
66. RF端口匹配结果好坏直接影响RF链路的信号质量。如何最快最好地调试这些匹配电路? 答:第一步:可以基于电路板设计使用网络分析仪测量实际的S参数,并将其输入到RF仿真SW中,以获得初始的匹配网络。 第二步:可以基于匹配网络的仿真结果,在板上做一些进一步的优化工作。 附:相关英文回答: Step 1: You can measure the actual S parameters using network analyser based on your board design and input it to the RF simulation SW to get the initial matching network. step 2: Based on the simulation result of matching network you can do some further optimization work on your board.
69. 在设计如wireless LAN card 的时候常会使用屏蔽罩用以屏蔽掉RF部分的辐射。这样做会增加成本。有什么办法可以少用甚至不用屏蔽罩? 答:可将高功率RF信号置于PCB中间层,并确保良好接地以减少散射。但是屏蔽罩仍是保证稳定发射性能的首选。 You can put high power RF signal in the middle layer of PCB and make sure have good grounding to reduce the radiation,but shielding can is still the preferred way to gurantee the stable radiation performance. 70. 10~30mV的有用信号:放大100~120dB后,有用信号达到峰峰值3V~~4V,但噪声信号也达到了300mV左右,但实际要求噪声信号在20mV以下,如何解决?(前级放大问题不明显,矛盾不突出,关键到最后一级放大后,问题就出现了。) 答:首先要确保有用信号有非常好的信噪比,然后才将其输入放大器链,接着计算获得目标信号振幅和噪声水平所需的增益与NF的大小,最后根据这些数据选择合适的器件设计放大器链路。 First please make sure the useful signal has very good SNR before you input it to amplifiers chain,then you can calculate how much gain and NF you need to get the targeted signal amplitude and noise level, based on this you can choose the right components to design amplifiers chain.
71. 在开发WLAN的PCB Layou时候,怎样匹配或计算线路为50ohm.? 答:50ohm匹配由PCB层叠决定。将PCB参数(层厚度、)使用RF仿真工具计算阻抗、line thickness和line width。 You can calculate the impedance using RF simulation tools by setting PCB parameters like layer thickness, line thickness and line width.
72. 如果线路匹配不好,怎样在网络分析仪下计算所匹配的元件(L ,C)? 答:如果线路不匹配,可以使用网络分析仪测量S参数,并借助史密斯圆图使用LC元件来补偿这种不匹配。 If there's mismatching you can use network analyser to measure the S-parameters and use LC conponents to compensate the mismatch using Smith chart.
74. 在射频电路比如放大器的设计中,其管子的信号地与偏置电路的电源地是否分开为好,或者至少在同一层分开? 答:一般不需要分开信号地和电源地。 Normally you don't need to seperate the ground of power supply with the ground of amplifier。
75. 不少射频PCB布板在空域即无元件和走线的地方没有布大面积地,这如何解释?在微波频段是否应不一样? 答:可以在DC线路上加足数的小电器。 you can add enough small capacitors on DC line.
76. 目前有没有置于低温环境中的放大器管子外销? 答:放大器的工作温度范围应该在-10-8℃,可以查看参数表,上面的规定应该也是如此。 For amplifier it should have its working temperature range like -10-85c, you can check the datasheet,it should have this specification.