






Buck-Boost DC/DC uModule Regulator, 36VIN, 34VOUT & 98% Efficiency [复制链接]

Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTM4609MP, a buck-boost DC/DC uModule® system-in-a-package that is guaranteed and tested for the wide -55ºC to 125ºC temperature range. The LTM4609MP is designed to deliver precision regulation in demanding environments in applications such as military, avionics, heavy industrial machinery, and harsh environment sensors. These uModule devices are backed by Linear Technology’s rigorous reliability and quality test standards (reports are available online at www.linear.com/4609).

The LTM4609MP is a high voltage and high efficiency DC/DC system in a surface mount 15mm x 15mm x2.8mm LGA (land grid array) package. The device regulates an output voltage from a variable input voltage greater than, less than or equal to the output voltage.

The LTM4609MP is a high voltage and high efficiency DC/DC system in a surface mount 15mm x 15mm x2.8mm LGA (land grid array) package. The device regulates an output voltage from a variable input voltage greater than, less than or equal to the output voltage.

The LTM4609MP operates from 4.5VIN to 36VIN, regulates an output voltage from 0.8V to 34V and can deliver an output power up to 100W. Included in this uModule regulator is a synchronous buck-boost DC/DC controller, four N-channel MOSFETs, input and output bypass capacitors and compensation circuitry in a small plastic molded package. Only an inductor, feedback and sense resistors, and bulk capacitors are required to implement a very low profile, compact and high efficiency design. Application examples are point-of-load and intermediate-bus regulation in networking, industrial and automotive systems and high-power battery-operated devices.

Summary of Features: LTM4609MP

  • Single Inductor Buck-Boost Architecture
  • Fully tested from -55ºC to 125ºC
  • Synchronous 4-Switch Operation for High Efficiency (up to 98%)
  • Wide Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 36V
  • Wide Output Voltage Range: 0.8V to 34V
  • 15mm x 15mm x 2.8mm LGA Package

With the LTM4609MP’s onboard proprietary 4-switch synchronous MOSFET design, the device achieves up to 98.3% efficiency in boost mode and up to 97.3% efficiency in buck mode (condition: VIN: 6.5V to 36V, VOUT: 30V, IOUT: 2A). For more information, visit www.linear.com/4609.

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