语言程序编译后错误代码如下,还请大家帮着看看,谢谢 Clean: Deleting intermediary and output files. Clean Warning: File "E:\softwre\mplab\test2\test2.o" doesn't exist. Clean: Done. Executing: "C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC\PRO\9.60\bin\picc.exe" +FM "test2.c" +DF +LN +T +A +M +Z +Y=9 +EA HI-TECH C PRO for the PIC10/12/16 MCU family (Lite) V9.60PL5 Copyright (C) 1984-2009 HI-TECH SOFTWARE (1273) Omniscient Code Generation not available in Lite mode (warning) (902) no chip name specified; use "PICC --CHIPINFO" to see available chip names BUILD FAILED: Wed Aug 18 18:35:01 2010