这段程序在maxplus II报错:
file standard.vhdl:Unsupported feature error:floating is not supported
在quartus II中报错:
Error (10414): VHDL error at yuvtorgb.vhd(22), at object "red": a real cannot be non-constant
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity yuvtorgb is
RAM_DBUS : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
y2_select : in std_logic;
indata_v : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
indata_y1 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
indata_u : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
indata_y2 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
test: out std_logic
end entity;
architecture a of yuvtorgb is
signal data_v : INTEGER;
signal data_y1 : INTEGER;
signal data_u : INTEGER;
signal data_y2 : INTEGER;
signal red : real range 0.0 to 1000.0 :=10.0;
signal green : real;
signal blue : real;
signal addred : std_logic_vector(18 downto 0);
signal lcdpixel_num : integer range 0 to 2570;
signal pickup_tmp : std_logic;
if(y2_select'event and y2_select='0') then
--red=1.164 * (data_y1 - 16) + 1.596 * (data_v - 128);
--green=1.164 * (data_y1 - 16) - 0.813 * (data_v - 128) - 0.392 * (data_u - 128);
--blue=1.164 * (data_y1 - 16) + 2.017 * (data_u - 128);
end if;
end process;
-- Copyright(C) 2005 by Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
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-- This copyright and support notice must be retained as part
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-- All rights reserved.
-- Title - Xil_YCrCb2RGB.vhd
-- Author(s) - GZ & WCC, Xilinx
-- Creation - 7 Dec 2005
-- $RCSfile: Xil_YCrCb2RGB.vhd,v $ $Revision: 1.10 $ $Date: 2006/03/15 19:56:55 $
-- Description -
-- ******************************************************************
-- *007* YCrCb2RGB Macro from imagexlib
-- Description: Color Space Converter (YCrCb to RGB)
-- ******************************************************************
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_signed.all;
USE work.color_space_pkg.all;
USE work.genxlib_utils.ALL;
-- ******************************************************************
-- *009* YCrCb2RGB Macro
-- Description: Color Space Converter (RGB to YCrCb)
-- Generalized conversion:
-- R = (Y - Yoffset) + ACoeff' * (Cr - Coffset)
-- G = (Y - Yoffset) + BCoeff' * (Cr - 0.5) + CCoeff' * (Cb - 0.5)
-- B = (Y - Yoffset) + DCoeff' * (Cb - 0.5)
-- R = Y + ACoeff' * Cr - Roffset
-- G = Y + BCoeff' * Cr + CCoeff' * Cb - Goffset
-- B = Y + DCoeff' * Cb - Boffset
-- In order to complement RGB2YCrCb:
-- ACoeff' = 1/CCOEFF
-- DCoeff' = 1/DCOEFF
-- Roffset = Yoffset + Acoeff' * Coffset
-- Goffset = Yoffset + (Bcoeff' + Ccoeff') * Coffset
-- Boffset = Yoffset + Dcoeff' * Coffset
-- ITU 601 (SDTV) standard:
-- if RGB data is between 0 and 255
-- R = Y + 1.40252 * (Cr - 0.5)
-- G = Y - 0.24642 * (Cr - 0.5) - 0.11840 * (Cb - 0.5)
-- B = Y + 1.77305 * (Cb - 0.5)
-- In order to better match the RGB2YCbCr module:
-- For R: ACoeff' = (1/CCOEF) value 2048/1460 is approximated instead of 1.40252
-- For B: DCoeff' = (1/DCOEF) value 2048/1155 is approximated instead of 1.77305
-- This is the delay of a virtex4 multiplier followed by a rounder. In order to facilitate
-- grouping the rounder with the mult into the same DSP48, overall latency must be 2
-- Create and round Cb*BCOEFF, Cb*DCOEFF, Cr*ACOEFF, Cr*CCOEFF
del_Cr : entity work.delay(rtl) -- Delay Cr, so Acoef_by_Cr arrives in sync
generic map ( -- with Ccoef_by_Cb to the adder/rounder
width => IWIDTH,
delay => 1)
port map (
clk => clk,
d => Cr,
q => Cr_delay(IWIDTH-1 downto 0),
ce => ce);
del_Cb : entity work.delay(rtl) -- Delay Cb, so Dcoef_by_Cb arrives in sync
generic map ( -- with B_int and G_int are in sync.
width => IWIDTH,
delay => 1)
port map (
clk => clk,
d => Cb,
q => Cb_delay(IWIDTH-1 downto 0),
ce => ce);
Cb_unsign(IWIDTH-1 downto 0) <= Cb;
Cb_unsign(IWIDTH) <= '0'; -- Making sure that Cb and Cr signals are
Cb_delay(IWIDTH) <= '0'; -- interpreted as unsigned
Cr_delay(IWIDTH) <= '0'; -- at the mutlipliers
sp3_v2_v2p: if (FAMILY_HAS_MAC=0) generate
mult_aCr: entity work.mult(rtl) -- ACOEFF * Cr
generic map (
port map (
clk => clk,
ce => ce,
sclr => sclr,
a => Cr_delay,
b => ACOEFvec,
p => Acoef_by_Cr);
port map (
clk => clk,
ce => ce,
sclr => sclr,
a => Cb_delay,
b => DCOEFvec,
c => Boffsetvec,
p => Dcoef_by_Cb_rnd(MWIDTH downto 1));
-- sign extension for simulation (v4 results are the same as s3_v2_v2p)
--Dcoef_by_Cb_rnd(IWIDTH+CWIDTH) <= Dcoef_by_Cb_rnd(IWIDTH+CWIDTH-1);
-- Add Y component
del_Y : entity work.delay(rtl) -- Delay matching: y is delayed so it can be combined with rounded signals
generic map (
width => IWIDTH,
port map (
clk => clk,
d => Y,
q => y_delay,
ce => ce);
connect_Y: if (IWIDTH=OWIDTH) generate
Y_padded(IWIDTH-1 downto 0) <= y_delay;
end generate;
padd_Y: if (IWIDTH
Y_padded(OWIDTH-1 downto OWIDTH-IWIDTH) <= y_delay;
Y_padded(OWIDTH-IWIDTH-1 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
end generate;
truncate_Y: if (IWIDTH>OWIDTH) generate
Y_padded(OWIDTH-1 downto 0) <= y_delay(IWIDTH-1 downto IWIDTH-OWIDTH);
end generate;
Y_padded(OWIDTH) <= '0'; -- Makes sure Y_padded is unsigned positive