microsoft windows ce .net 4.2.msi,
embeded visual c++ 4.0 ,
Microsoft Pocket PC 2003 SDK.msi,
Microsoft Pocket PC 2003 Emulation Images CHS.msi,
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Emulator Images for Pocket PC - CHS.msi,
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Emulator Images for Pocket PC - WWE.msi
,在编译简单例子helloworld CE的时候会报错:说没有标准的sdk,但我的sdk已经安装了阿?还有其他的软件需要安装吗?请教高手
改了下 Project->Settings->Debug->Download Directory下载目录改为\windows\“开始”,现在报错误为:One or more files the Emulator for Windows CE installation is missing. Please reinstall Emulation for Windows CE and try again,,但Emulation明明有装阿?
如果你安装完后,发现这个错误:CVTRES : fatal error CVT1102: out of memory。请用安装目录下面的\Common\EVC\Bin\CVTRES.EXE覆盖EVC\wce420\bin\下面的同名文件试试