






Symantec CDC 招聘 Software Engineer [复制链接]


Job description:Windows Software Engineer.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

* Create functional specifications based on marketing requirements.
* Design and develop software components & system service to interact with Windows system modules.
* Build software modules using Visual C/C++, SDK, MFC, and other software tools.

* Work with international development team to build state of art security software components.
* Integrate software modules into a complete functional product ready for QA testing.   Conduct unit tests and integration tests to ensure best product quality.
* Provide the weekly work status to the project lead or manager


* B.S., M.S. or higher in Computer Science or related field
* 3+ year software development experience in system or security environment
* Must have strong programming and debugging skills in C/C++ under Windows environment.
* Must know how to use Microsoft SDK, MFC and WinSock.
* Must have Object Oriented software design skill.

* Experience with Encryption is a big plus

* TCP/IP and UDP network protocols knowledge is a plus.
* Windows DDK experience is a plus.
* Full life cycle software development experience from conception to product delivery is highly desirable.
* Fluent English Reading/Writing
* Sophisticated logical thinking and analytical skills
* Self-motivated. Can-do attitude. Good team player.
* Should have initiative and willingness to work overtime during required periods to achieve project milestones

Title:        Linux C/C++ Software Engineer

* Write functional specifications based on directions and requirements.
* Develop software modules from design specification.
* Build software modules using C/C++, JAVA, or other software tools.
* Integrate new software modules with other modules.
* Conduct unit tests and integration tests to ensure best product quality.
* Provide the weekly work status to the project lead
* Apply learned technical knowledge to improve software development process.

* M.S., B.S. or higher in Computer Science or related field
* 2+ year software development experience in Linux environment
* Must have strong programming skill in C/C++ under Linux environment.
* Must have Object Oriented software design skill.
* Fluent English Reading/Writing is highly desirable
* Sophisticated logical thinking and analytical skills
* Self-motivated. Can-do attitude. Good team player. Hardworking.
* Having passion of innovation.
* Must be flexible to work in early or late office hours, when required
* Must have initiative and willingness to work overtime during required periods to achieve project milestones

mailto lollipophelper@gmail.com

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