; Video driver settings
;the board does have 240x320 16 bpp color LCD
"VRAMaddress"=dword:22f00000 ; allocate the video memory in SDRAM
"VRAMBusWidth"=dword:20 ; SDRAM has a 32-bits bus width
; Be carefull with the VRAMaddress and VRAMBusWidth values
; These params allocate Video memory into SRAM or SDRAM....
; Be sure that the place where you allocate buffer is really empty
; if not this may cause some problems
; See if another driver isn't using the same memory space
; For example: the EMACB driver sometimes allocate the TX and RX buffer and descriptor into SRAM
; "VRAMaddress"=dword:300000 ; allocate the video memory in SRAM
; "VRAMBusWidth"=dword:20 ; SRAM has a 32-bits bus width
; "VRAMaddress"=dword:70000000 ; allocate the video memory in external PSRAM
; "VRAMBusWidth"=dword:10 ; external PSRAM has a 16-bits bus width
; "forceRGB"=dword:1 ; uncomment this line if you want to use DirectDraw,
; be careful, the color will be shifted