wince5.0,navready平台,csr bc04模块,使用wince自带蓝牙组件,应用程序已经完成,准备过sgs蓝牙认证。
TP/APS/BV-02-I [NT is busy]
To verify that the DT accepts that the NT (or a plain telephone) is busy.
? Initial Condition
Bonding is finished and the DT has connected to the GW using the manufacturer specific Bluetooth connection establishment procedure.
? Test Procedure
1. Make the NT busy, e.g. make sure that the modem of the NT (or a plain telephone) is busy (off hook).
2. On the DT, try to connect to the NT via the GW by dialing the number to the NT.
? Test Condition
? Expected Outcome
Pass verdict:
The DT must be alerted that the NT is busy.
Fail verdict:
There is no alert on the DT that the NT is busy.
? Notes
目前我们可以成功连通手机拨号上网收发数据,也可以通过手机拨出一个市话,但认证机构还要求能通过他们的蓝牙设备(是一台可以模拟蓝牙设备的电脑)连接了电话线来拨出市话。现在这项测试无法通过,用他们的说法是“无法跑circuit connection进而拨出一般市话”