================如下是Attache device之后在PB的窗口出现的加载信息
he Kernel Debugger is waiting to connect with target.
The Kernel Debugger has been disconnected successfully.
Warning: Debugger service map is set to none. If your image has debugging support it may not boot properly.
Cannot access selected Device from service host.
Debugger could not initialize connection.
The Kernel Debugger is waiting to connect with target.
The Kernel Debugger has been disconnected successfully.
0 PID:0 TID:0 Sp=ffffc7cc
173 PID:3ddf002 TID:3ddf266 OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100b4 - device 0x0101 func 45
189 PID:3dc5b62 TID:3dc5b3e OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x101008c - device 0x0101 func 35
205 PID:3dc5b62 TID:3dc5b3e OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100d4 - device 0x0101 func 53
208 PID:3dc5b62 TID:3dc5b3e OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100c4 - device 0x0101 func 49
240 PID:3dc5b62 TID:3dc5b3e OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100c4 - device 0x0101 func 49
293 PID:3dc5b62 TID:3dc5b3e OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100d0 - device 0x0101 func 52
293 PID:3dc5b62 TID:3dc5b3e OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100f8 - device 0x0101 func 62
1342 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca INFO: CReg2440Uart::CReg2440Uart using processor frequency reported by the OAL (66608640).
1349 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca INFO: CReg2440Uart::CReg2440Uart using processor frequency reported by the OAL (66608640).
1373 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca PWR: Process Attach
1374 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca >PWR_Init(802ED64)
1374 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca HW_Init : HW_InitRegisters
1374 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca HW_Init : CreateEvent
1375 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca HW_Init : IOCTL_HAL_REQUEST_SYSINTR
1376 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca INFO: PwrButton: Mapped Irq 0x0 to SysIntr 0x17.
1377 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca HW_Init : CreateThread
1378 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca HW_Init : CeSetThreadPriority
1381 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca HW_Init : Done
1381 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca
1385 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde >PWR_Open(0x3b200, 0x0, 0x3)
1385 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde PCF: HW_Open
1385 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde
1385 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde >PWR_IOControl(0x321000, 0x0, 0, 0x803af48)
1386 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde
1387 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde >PWR_Open(0x3b200, 0x0, 0x3)
1389 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde PCF: HW_Open
1390 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde
1391 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde PWR_Close(0x3b200)
1391 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde PCF: HW_Close
1409 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca FMD::FMD_Init
1409 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca FMD::FMD_Init - pBSPArgs->nfsblk = 0x0
1409 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca FMD::FMD_Init - READ_REGISTER_BYTE(pNFSBLK) = 0x0
1410 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca FMD::FMD_Init IPL .....
1411 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca FMD::FMD_Init Done
1412 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca MID = 0xec, DID = 0x76 4th Cycle : 0x5a
1414 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca NUMBLOCKS : 512(0x200), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 256(0x100), BYTESPERSECTOR = 512(0x200)
1700 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d79b6a FMD_OEMIoControl: unrecognized IOCTL (0x71c24).
2763 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca +CS8900:DriverEntry
4448 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca CamClockOn = 1
5703 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca Camera::Block TX Ended...
5703 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3dc58ca CAMERA.DLL::InterruptThread Initialized.
5706 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde CAMERA: CIS_Open
5706 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde CAMERA: CIS_Open
5707 PID:c3d5d80e TID:63d39fde CAMERA: CIS_Close
6360 PID:c3b287ca TID:c3d73fc2 OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100fc - device 0x0101 func 63
8753 PID:c3d5d80e TID:c3c1efda CamClockOn = 0
indows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Jun 24 2004 at 18:25:00
ProcessorType=0920 Revision=0
sp_abt=ffff5000 sp_irq=ffff2800 sp_undef=ffffc800 OEMAddressTable = 80215afc
OEM name : LiYuTai Elec.Co.,Ltd.
Website : www.hzlitai.com.cn
Email : lyt_tech@yahoo.com.cn
Tel : +86-571-56763523 56763526
Function : ARMSYS2440 NK5.0 for L35T23
UART config: 115.2kbps,8Bit,NP,UART0
Build Date : 2007-4-23
DCache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
ICache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
Wait for connecting
----------我在PB Attach Device,就出现下面的串口打印语句--------
KITLGlobalState == 0x61
KITL: Leaving polling mode...
VBridge:: VB_INITIALIZED returns [0]
我看网上一些人的博客的贴图,在Attach Device以后不止这么多打印信息的
并且不会有这句KITL: Leaving polling mode...