






知名美国芯片公司招聘-硬件设计工程师-上海 [复制链接]

1. Senior Mechanical Engineer - SH

In this position, you will be responsible for the mechanical research and innovative design for notebook and portable PC systems CO-work with PM and/or ID and/or thermal and/or EE and other mechanical engineers. Your responsibilities will include but not be limited to:
Leading a mechanical design team and work with 3rd party design houses and/or chassis vender and/or ODM and/or OEM for custom-built low cost portable PC system products
Conducting design previews, performing system acceptance, and resolving design and implementation mechanical issues in product life cycle  

You should possess a Bachelor of Science degree with five years of direct design experiences in the Mechanical Engineer (ME) role working on successful portable PC system products. Additional qualifications include:
Knowledge of PC Architecture, notebook and CE system design, thermal, mechanical, EMI, and acoustic design management, knowledge of PC industry, plastic injection molding, and sheet metal forming
Demonstrated ability to lead junior ME's work as well as external design houses and other industry partners
Skillful in Pro/E design
Ability to use English as daily working language
Familiarity with Notebook and/or Desktop form factor specs
Knowledge of Intel Blue Book environmental test procedures (Intel Blue Book) would be an added advantage
Knowledge of structure analysis would be an added advantage  

2. Hardware System Design Team Leader - SH

In this position, you will be responsible for developing cost effective Intel Architecture based portable PC system  products and platforms for global emerging market. You will be acting as technical expert in portable PC system product design and integration. Your responsibilities will include but not be limited to:
Technically leading and supervising the system HW engineering team and be responsible for team's output for system products, SE team development and resource allocation
Working with ODM, OEM, IHV and other product related ecosystem for system product while following Intel Product Life Cycle
Reporting to HW System Engineering Team manager of CPG/EMPG, closely cooperate with PM/validation/Q&R/SW/board team, other Intel global engineering teams, marketing, and customers, with job located in Shanghai
Responsible for the collaboration with other Intel global engineering teams
Responsible for occasional international and/or domestic travel  

Tel: 010-58690028-208
Send English resume to angela@klb-consulting.com

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