






[杭州]通信外企高薪招聘 [复制链接]

总共三个职位,各职位人数不等(共20人)。描述如下,工作地点均为杭州 诺西,

Working Location: Hang Zhou
1) 3G Software Engineer
Job Description:
Main Purpose of the Role and Key Responsibilities:
We are looking for engineers for our 3G software development, integration & verification. You will

work in a team using scrum development mode, doing both SW and I&V, to deliver high quality product.
You and your team will be responsible for implementing requirements from customer and also test the

solution. Using scrum means we prefer the people who can do both coding and I&V. If you only have

experience on either coding or I&V, you also have the responsibility to gain experience on the other


1) B.Sc or M.Sc in computer science, telecommunication or equivalent
2)Strong C/C++ programming skills..
3) Programming experience in real time embedded system
4) R&D experience in telecommunications industry
5) Working experience of 2+ years
6) Knowledge of TCP/IP and/or Linux/Vxworks is a plus
7) Good communication skills, fluent written and spoken English
8)Open minded, honest & transparent
9)Strong team player and quick learner

2) WCDMA BTS System Testing Engineer
Job Description:
Do you want to be a specialist in WCDMA area, especially get more familiar with BTS / Node-B where the
key physical layer technologies are? We are looking for WCDMA BTS system testing Engineers/Specialists
to join our Hangzhou R&D center which will become one of the biggest R&D site in Radio Acess Area in
China. You will have invincible working experience in projects with modern software development. Your
responsibilities cover feature analyse, test planning, test automation development, test execution and
reporting. Sometimes you need to use your expertise in your area in investigating and answering
customer care questions. Welcome to join us.
Good knowledge of wireless communication network or data communication, WCDMA background is preferred.
Understanding of SW development processes and having experience in integration and verification work
Self-motivated, target driven and innovative thinking.
M.Sc. or B.Sc. degree in Computer Science, Telecommunication Engineering or equivalent.
Fluent in written and spoken English and Mandarin.
Enjoy team work and open communication

3)DSP  Software Engineer
Job Description:
Responsible for SW design, implementation, testing and maintenance for BTS DSP Software(WCDMA  Base
Band, 3GPP L1) base on TI 64x DSP.
Consults, supports and guides own team's external interface
Contributes to inspection/review of interfacing modules
Contributes in specification reviews.
Participates to architecture work or relevant technical study

M.Sc.or B.Sc.degree in Computer Science, Telecommunication Engineering or equivalent.
Strong C Programming skills.
Strong team player and quick learner
Experienced in TI DSP programming  or  embedded SW programming with C.
Fluent in written and spoken English and Mandarin.  
Good Knowledge of GSM/WCDMA/LTE Radio Access and wireless communication system.
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