To add a device driver to an existing BSP definition using the BSP Wizard, you must already have created the device driver files, and they must reside in the BSP directory or at a different location in your Platform Builder installation.
For information about adding a boot loader to an existing BSP definition, see Adding a Boot Loader to a BSP Definition.
If you are cloning a BSP or creating a BSP definition in the BSP Wizard and you want information on how to add drivers to the BSP, proceed to the second procedure of this topic.
To modify an existing BSP
From the Platform menu, choose BSP Wizard and then choose Next.
Select Modify an existing BSP, select a BSP to add a driver to, and then choose Next.
In the Catalog name field, enter a name for your BSP that the Catalog will display.
(Optional) In the Vendor field, type your company's name.
(Optional) In the Description field, type a description for your new BSP.
This value is shown in the Catalog when you move the pointer over the BSP name.
Choose Next.
In the CPUs field, select the CPUs that will support your BSP.
Choose Next.
To select or add a device driver type and complete the wizard
In the BSP Customization dialog box, select Add driver to add a new device driver to the BSP definition.
(Optional) In the Catalog Item Properties dialog box, enter a name for the driver.
This name is displayed in the Catalog.
Choose the Type tab; then from the Type list, select the appropriate device driver type.
Note When you select the device type, be sure to select the correct device type for your driver. Based on your selection, Platform Builder detects the OS dependency information for this driver.
In the Source code directory field, enter the path to the directory that contains the source code for the selected driver.
In the Driver resolver module field, enter the modules that are required to support this driver.
For example, a display driver depends on the device and display modules. For more information, see Windows CE Modules and Components.
(Optional) To add variables associated with the driver, choose the Variables tab and do the following:
Choose Add.
Enter a name and value for the environment variable.
Choose OK.
For more information about environment variables you can add, see Environment Variables.
Choose OK to close the Catalog Item Properties dialog box and return to the Customization dialog box.
(Optional) To add multiple device drivers to the BSP definition, choose Add driver.
When you finish customizing your BSP, choose Next.
To close the BSP Wizard and save your changes, choose Next.
You have now added the device driver to the BSP, and the BSP or driver is displayed in the Catalog.
Note You can add more components to the BSP using this procedure, but every time you change the definition of a BSP in the Catalog, you must provide a new .cec file name. //-----------------在上面中说道在使用BSP向导的时候,一些驱动文件以及一些配置文件必须建立好了才行,这个我明白。但是我有点疑惑的是,在BSP里面添加驱动,就拿流驱动来说吧,必须通过编译才能生成DLL文件,我不明白怎么样编译BSP里面的驱动的,难道是生成系统的时候系统自动编译的?还是有其他方法?哪位知道的麻烦指点一下。谢谢。