The run-time image originally did not include the hive-based registry, and a full clean build did not complete.
Be sure you complete a clean build after including the Hive-based Registry Catalog item in your OS design.
For a system with a hive-based registry that resides on a FATFS partition, the NK region files must also include default.hv, device.exe, devmgr.dll, diskcache.dll, fatfsd.dll, fatutil.dll, pm.dll, relfsd.dll, and user.hv. For MUI, add wince.nls, and for the debugger, add hd.dll, osaxst0.dll, and osaxst1.dll.
在common.bib中将boot.hv,user.hv,default.hv NKXL
boot.hv $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\boot.hv NK SHXL
default.hv $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\default.hv NK SHXL
user.hv $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\user.hv NK SHXL
boot.hv D:\WINCE500 \PBWorkspaces\ca\RelDir\smdk2440a_ARMV4I_Release\boot.hv NK SHXL
default.hv D:\WINCE500\PBWorkspaces\ca\RelDir\smdk2440a_ARMV4I_Release\default.hv NK SHXL
user.hv D:\WINCE500\PBWorkspaces\ca\RelDir\smdk2440a_ARMV4I_Release\user.hv NK SHXL