Starting sysgen phase for project ( speech )
Sysgening platform E:\\platform\smdk2440
CEBUILD: Building (E:\\platform\common)
BUILD: [Thrd:Sequence:Type ] Message
BUILD: [00:0000000000:PROGC ] Checking for sdk\bin\i386\srccheck.exe.
BUILD: [00:0000000001:PROGC ] Compile and Link for ARM.
BUILD: [00:0000000002:PROGC ] Computing include file dependencies:
BUILD: [00:0000000003:PROGC ] Checking for SDK include directory: E:\\sdk\ce\inc.
BUILD: [00:0000000005:ERRORE] CreateDirectory(\) failed. GetLastError=5 (dec).
BUILD: [00:0000000006:PROGC ] Files Warnings Errors
Build for Windows CE (Release) (Built on Apr 22 2004 10:38:01)
File names: Build.log Build.wrn Build.err Build.dat
CEBUILD: Building (E:\\platform\smdk2440)
BUILD: [Thrd:Sequence:Type ] Message
BUILD: [00:0000000000:PROGC ] Checking for sdk\bin\i386\srccheck.exe.
BUILD: [00:0000000001:PROGC ] Compile and Link for ARM.
BUILD: [00:0000000002:PROGC ] Loading E:\PLATFORM\SMDK2440\Build.dat.
BUILD: [00:0000000003:ERRORI] Bad database entry: org - drv_glob.h 44 0 2ebd3f1c 210 0.
BUILD: [00:0000000004:PROGC ] Files Warnings Errors
BUILD: [00:0000000005:PROGC ] Midl 0 0 0
BUILD: [00:0000000006:PROGC ] Resource 0 0 0
BUILD: [00:0000000007:PROGC ] Message 0 0 0
BUILD: [00:0000000008:PROGC ] Precomp Header 0 0 0