static BYTE *buf; // the buffer we use for storing the entire JPG file
static BYTE bp; //current byte
static WORD wp; //current word
static DWORD byte_pos; // current byte position
#define BYTE_p(i) bp=buf[(i)++]
#define WORD_p(i) wp=(((WORD)(buf[(i)]))<<8) + buf[(i)+1]; (i)+=2
// WORD X_image_size,Y_image_size; // X,Y sizes of the image
static WORD X_round,Y_round; // The dimensions rounded to multiple of Hmax*8 (X_round)
// and Ymax*8 (Y_round)
static BYTE *im_buffer; // RGBA image buffer
static DWORD X_image_bytes; // size in bytes of 1 line of the image = X_round * 4
static DWORD y_inc_value ; // 32*X_round; // used by decode_MCU_1x2,2x1,2x2
BYTE YH,YV,CbH,CbV,CrH,CrV; // sampling factors (horizontal and vertical) for Y,Cb,Cr
static WORD Hmax,Vmax;
static BYTE zigzag[64]={ 0, 1, 5, 6,14,15,27,28,
2, 4, 7,13,16,26,29,42,
3, 8,12,17,25,30,41,43,
35,36,48,49,57,58,62,63 };
typedef struct {
BYTE Length[17]; // k =1-16 ; L[k] indicates the number of Huffman codes of length k
WORD minor_code[17]; // indicates the value of the smallest Huffman code of length k
WORD major_code[17]; // similar, but the highest code
BYTE V[65536]; // V[k][j] = Value associated to the j-th Huffman code of length k
// High nibble = nr of previous 0 coefficients
// Low nibble = size (in bits) of the coefficient which will be taken from the data stream
} Huffman_table;
static float *QT[4]; // quantization tables, no more than 4 quantization tables (QT[0..3])
static Huffman_table HTDC[4]; //DC huffman tables , no more than 4 (0..3)
static Huffman_table HTAC[4]; //AC huffman tables (0..3)
static BYTE YQ_nr,CbQ_nr,CrQ_nr; // quantization table number for Y, Cb, Cr
static BYTE YDC_nr,CbDC_nr,CrDC_nr; // DC Huffman table number for Y,Cb, Cr
static BYTE YAC_nr,CbAC_nr,CrAC_nr; // AC Huffman table number for Y,Cb, Cr
static BYTE Restart_markers; // if 1 => Restart markers on , 0 => no restart markers
static WORD MCU_restart; //Restart markers appears every MCU_restart MCU blocks
typedef void (*decode_MCU_func)(DWORD);
static SWORD DCY, DCCb, DCCr; // Coeficientii DC pentru Y,Cb,Cr
static SWORD DCT_coeff[64]; // Current DCT_coefficients
static BYTE Y[64],Cb[64],Cr[64]; // Y, Cb, Cr of the current 8x8 block for the 1x1 case
static BYTE Y_1[64],Y_2[64],Y_3[64],Y_4[64];
static BYTE tab_1[64],tab_2[64],tab_3[64],tab_4[64]; // tabelele de supraesantionare pt cele 4 blocuri
// Initial conditions:
// byte_pos = start position in the Huffman coded segment
// WORD_get(w1); WORD_get(w2);wordval=w1;
static BYTE d_k=0; // Bit displacement in memory, relative to the offset of w1
// it's always <16
static WORD w1,w2; // w1 = First word in memory; w2 = Second word
static DWORD wordval ; // the actual used value in Huffman decoding.
static DWORD mask[17];
static SWORD neg_pow2[17]={0,-1,-3,-7,-15,-31,-63,-127,-255,-511,-1023,-2047,-4095,-8191,-16383,-32767};
static DWORD start_neg_pow2=(DWORD)neg_pow2;