






Zcc3855 Dual, MultiphaseSynchronous DC/DC Controllerwith Differential Remote ... [复制链接]



>Dual, 180° Phased Controllers Reduce RequiredInput Capacitance and Power Supply Induced Noisen High Efficiency: Up to 95%n RSENSE or DCR Current Sensingn Programmable DCR Temperature Compensationn ±0.75% 0.6V Output Voltage Accuracyn Phase-Lockable Fixed Frequency 250kHz to 770kHzn True Remote Sensing Differential Amplifiern Dual N-Channel MOSFET Synchronous Driven Wide VIN Range: 4.5V to 38Vn VOUT Range: 0.6V to 12.5V without Differential Amplifiern VOUT Range: 0.6V to 3.3V with Differential Amplifiern Clock Input and Output for Up to 12-Phase Operationn Adjustable Soft-Start or VOUT Trackingn Foldback Output Current Limitingn Output Overvoltage Protectionn 40-Pin (6mm × 6mm) QFN and 38-Lead FE Packages




> Computer Systemsn


>Telecom Systems


>Industrial and Medical Instrumentsn


>DC Power Distribution Systems




>The ZC3855 is a dual PolyPhase® current mode synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that drivesall N-channel power MOSFET stages. It includes a highspeed differential remote sense amplifier. The maximumcurrent sense voltage is programmable for either 30mV,50mV or 75mV, allowing the use of either the inductor DCRor a discrete sense resistor as the sensing element.The ZC3855 features a precision 0.6V reference and canproduce output voltages up to 12.5V. A wide 4.5V to 38Vinput supply range encompasses most intermediate busvoltages and battery chemistries. Power loss and supplynoise are minimized by operating the two controller outputstages out of phase. Burst Mode® operation, continuousor pulse-skipping modes are supported.The ZC3855 can be configured for up to 12-phase operation, has DCR temperature compensation, two powergood signals and two current limit set pins. The ZC3855is available in low profile 40-pin 6mm × 6mm QFN and38-lead exposed pad FE packages.


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