Copying D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release\s
ystemcpl.cpl to D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_R
elease\system.cpl for debugger
Copying D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release\r
il.dll to D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release
\ for debugger
Copying D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release\c
ellcore.dll to D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Re
lease\k.cellcore.dll for debugger
Copying D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release\s
im.dll to D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release
\k.sim.dll for debugger
Copying D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release\s
ms.dll to D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release
\k.sms.dll for debugger
Copying D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release\w
ap.dll to D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release
\k.wap.dll for debugger
Copying D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release\c
coreutl.dll to D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Re
lease\k.ccoreutl.dll for debugger
Copying D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release\s
3c6410_touch.dll to D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV
4I_Release\k.s3c6410_touch.dll for debugger
Copying D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release\s
3c6410_wavedev_ac97.dll to D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK64
10_ARMV4I_Release\s3c6410_wavedev.dll for debugger
Copying D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release\r
ilu6100.dll to D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Re
lease\rilgsm.dll for debugger
Pass 1...
Warning: Unable to do imports from ppp.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from schannel.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from k.schannel.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from eapol.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from eapchap.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from crypt32.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from k.crypt32.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from k.oleaut32.dll to k.ole32 - will late bind
Pass 2...
RAM AutoSize: RAM Start=81680000 RAM Size=04880000
Found pTOC at 0000101c
No imports for nk.exe
No imports for kernel.dll
No imports for coredll.dll
No imports for k.coredll.dll
Warning: Unable to do imports from ppp.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from schannel.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from k.schannel.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from eapol.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from eapchap.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from crypt32.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from k.crypt32.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from k.oleaut32.dll to k.ole32 - will late bind
Processing NK
Writing D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I_Release\N
Table of contents 8167ab00 000025c0 ( 9664)
Writing ROM signature and TOC pointer at 80100040
Kernel data copy section 80f38e84 00000020 ( 32)
ROM Header 8167aaac 00000054 ( 84)
First DLL Address: 4001c001
Last DLL Address: 4112c108
Physical Start Address: 80100000
Physical End Address: 8167d0c0
Start RAM: 81680000
Start of free RAM: 8168f000
End of RAM: 85f00000
Number of Modules: 232
Number of Copy Sections: 2
Copy Section Offset: 80f38e84
FileSys 4K Chunks/Mbyte: 13 <2Mbyte 13 2-4Mbyte 0 4-6Mbyte 0 >6Mbyte
CPU Type: 01c2h
Miscellaneous Flags: 0002h
Extensions Pointer: 80101020
Total ROM size: 0157d0c0 ( 22532288)
Starting ip: 8010771c
Raw files size: 00595f6c
Compressed files size: 0029cf3d
Compacting bin file...
Writing rom file...
Start 80100000 Len 00000004
Start 80100040 Len 00000008
Start 80100048 Len 00000004
Start 80101000 Len 00011000
Start 80113000 Len 0003a1e8
Start 8014e000 Len 00081ac8
Start 801cfac8 Len 00007104
Start 801d7000 Len 00001050
Start 815b41e8 Len 00067794
Start 8161b97c Len 0003d930
Start 816592ac Len 00021800
Start 8167aaac Len 00000054
Start 8167ab00 Len 000025c0
Creating rom file D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4I
makeimg: Check for D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4
I_Release\PostRomImage.bat to run.
makeimg: Check for D:\wince600\OSDesigns\SMDK6410\SMDK6410\RelDir\SMDK6410_ARMV4
I_Release\PostMakeImg.bat to run.
makeimg: Change directory to D:\wince600.
makeimg: run command: cmd /C D:\wince600\public\common\oak\misc\pbpostmakeimg