An application targeting a Standard SDK for Windows CE.NET and built for the ARMV4I CPU cannot be run on the Emulator device. In order to run this application on any CPU other than the Emulator, you will have to install a SDK that is compatible with the Standard SDK for Windows CE.NET, then target a shadow platform pertaining to that SDK. Please see the eVC help documentation fo additional details.
非常感谢楼上的各位,我现在新建了测试工程选的是Win32 Emulator,工具栏中选的也是Win32 Emulator,但编译时出现There is no device installed .Please go to Configure Platform Manger to add a device.
这个错误提示是不是模拟器没装好呀,因为我在装了EVC之后,桌面右下角出现了一个提示, 好像是设备驱动会引起系统不稳定,系统关闭了此驱动。