本帖最后由 wakojosin 于 2024-4-28 23:35 编辑
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tf-estimator-nightly==2.8.0.dev2021122109 (from tensorflow) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tf-estimator-nightly==2.8.0.dev2021122109
pip install tensorflow==2.8.0 -i https://pypi.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/simple/
安装结果测试:python -c 'from rknn.api import RKNN'
def onnx2rknn(onnx_model, rknn_model, dataset=None):
# Create RKNN object
rknn = RKNN(verbose=True)
# pre-process config
print('--> config model')
# Load model
print('--> Loading model')
ret = rknn.load_onnx(model=onnx_model)
if ret != 0:
print('Load model failed!')
# Build model
print('--> Building model')
ret = rknn.build(do_quantization=True, dataset=dataset)
if ret != 0:
print('Build model failed!')
# Export rknn model
print('--> Export rknn model')
ret = rknn.export_rknn(rknn_model)
if ret != 0:
print('Export rknn model failed!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("fonnx", help="onnx file path.")
parser.add_argument("frknn", help="rknn file path.")
parser.add_argument("dataset", help="dataset path.")
args = parser.parse_args()
print("onn_file:", args.fonnx)
print("rknn_file:", args.frknn)
print("dataset:", args.dataset)
onnx2rknn(args.fonnx, args.frknn, args.dataset)
python onnx2rknn.py lenet.onnx lenet.rknn examples/onnx/resnet50v2/dataset.txt luckfoxenv
onn_file: lenet.onnx
rknn_file: lenet.rknn
dataset: examples/onnx/resnet50v2/dataset.txt
W __init__: rknn-toolkit2 version: 1.6.0+81f21f4d
--> config model
--> Loading model
W load_onnx: It is recommended onnx opset 19, but your onnx model opset is 17!
W load_onnx: Model converted from pytorch, 'opset_version' should be set 19 in torch.onnx.export for successful convert!
Loading : 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 10/10 [00:00<00:00, 19239.93it/s]
W load_onnx: The config.mean_values is None, zeros will be set for input 0!
W load_onnx: The config.std_values is None, ones will be set for input 0!
--> Building model
I base_optimize ...
I base_optimize done.
I fold_constant ...
I fold_constant done.
I correct_ops ...
I correct_ops done.
I fuse_ops ...
I fuse_ops results:
I replace_flatten_gemm_by_conv: remove node = ['/6/Flatten', '/7/Gemm'], add node = ['/7/Gemm_2conv', '/7/Gemm_2conv_reshape']
I swap_reshape_relu: remove node = ['/7/Gemm_2conv_reshape', '/8/Relu'], add node = ['/8/Relu', '/7/Gemm_2conv_reshape']
I convert_gemm_by_conv: remove node = ['/9/Gemm'], add node = ['/9/Gemm_2conv_reshape1', '/9/Gemm_2conv', '/9/Gemm_2conv_reshape2']
I unsqueeze_to_4d_relu: remove node = [], add node = ['/10/Relu_0_unsqueeze0', '/10/Relu_0_unsqueeze1']
I convert_gemm_by_conv: remove node = ['/11/Gemm'], add node = ['/11/Gemm_2conv_reshape1', '/11/Gemm_2conv', '/11/Gemm_2conv_reshape2']
I fuse_two_reshape: remove node = ['/7/Gemm_2conv_reshape', '/9/Gemm_2conv_reshape2', '/10/Relu_0_unsqueeze1']
I remove_invalid_reshape: remove node = ['/9/Gemm_2conv_reshape1', '/10/Relu_0_unsqueeze0', '/11/Gemm_2conv_reshape1']
I fold_constant ...
I fold_constant done.
I fuse_ops done.
I sparse_weight ...
I sparse_weight done.
GraphPreparing : 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████| 12/12 [00:00<00:00, 3997.75it/s]
Quantizating : 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████| 12/12 [00:00<00:00, 569.73it/s]
I quant_optimizer ...
I quant_optimizer results:
I adjust_relu: ['/10/Relu', '/8/Relu', '/4/Relu', '/1/Relu']
I quant_optimizer done.
W build: The default input dtype of 'input.1' is changed from 'float32' to 'int8' in rknn model for performance!
Please take care of this change when deploy rknn model with Runtime API!
W build: The default output dtype of '22' is changed from 'float32' to 'int8' in rknn model for performance!
Please take care of this change when deploy rknn model with Runtime API!
I rknn building ...
I RKNN: [23:30:53.007] compress = 0, conv_eltwise_activation_fuse = 1, global_fuse = 1, multi-core-model-mode = 7, output_optimize = 1,enable_argb_group=0 ,layout_match = 1, pipeline_fuse = 0
I RKNN: librknnc version: 1.6.0 (585b3edcf@2023-12-11T07:56:14)
D RKNN: [23:30:53.008] RKNN is invoked
D RKNN: [23:30:53.014] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNExtractCustomOpAttrs
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNExtractCustomOpAttrs
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNSetOpTargetPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNSetOpTargetPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNBindNorm
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNBindNorm
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNAddFirstConv
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNAddFirstConv
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNEliminateQATDataConvert
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNEliminateQATDataConvert
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNTileGroupConv
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNTileGroupConv
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNTileFcBatchFuse
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNTileFcBatchFuse
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNAddConvBias
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNAddConvBias
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNTileChannel
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNTileChannel
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNPerChannelPrep
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNPerChannelPrep
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNBnQuant
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNBnQuant
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNFuseOptimizerPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNFuseOptimizerPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNTurnAutoPad
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNTurnAutoPad
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNInitRNNConst
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNInitRNNConst
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNInitCastConst
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNInitCastConst
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNMultiSurfacePass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNMultiSurfacePass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNReplaceConstantTensorPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNReplaceConstantTensorPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.015] >>>>>> start: OpEmit
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] <<<<<<<< end: OpEmit
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNLayoutMatchPass
I RKNN: [23:30:53.016] AppointLayout: t->setNativeLayout(64), tname:[input.1]
I RKNN: [23:30:53.016] AppointLayout: t->setNativeLayout(64), tname:[/1/Relu_output_0]
I RKNN: [23:30:53.016] AppointLayout: t->setNativeLayout(64), tname:[/2/MaxPool_output_0]
I RKNN: [23:30:53.016] AppointLayout: t->setNativeLayout(64), tname:[/4/Relu_output_0]
I RKNN: [23:30:53.016] AppointLayout: t->setNativeLayout(64), tname:[/5/MaxPool_output_0]
I RKNN: [23:30:53.016] AppointLayout: t->setNativeLayout(64), tname:[/8/Relu_output_0_before]
I RKNN: [23:30:53.016] AppointLayout: t->setNativeLayout(64), tname:[/10/Relu_output_0_shape4]
I RKNN: [23:30:53.016] AppointLayout: t->setNativeLayout(64), tname:[22_conv]
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNLayoutMatchPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNAddSecondaryNode
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNAddSecondaryNode
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] >>>>>> start: OpEmit
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] finish initComputeZoneMap
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] <<<<<<<< end: OpEmit
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNProfileAnalysisPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] node: Reshape:/11/Gemm_2conv_reshape2, Target: NPU
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNProfileAnalysisPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNOperatorIdGenPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNOperatorIdGenPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.016] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNWeightTransposePass
W RKNN: [23:30:53.019] Warning: Tensor /11/Gemm_2conv_reshape2_shape need paramter qtype, type is set to float16 by default!
W RKNN: [23:30:53.019] Warning: Tensor /11/Gemm_2conv_reshape2_shape need paramter qtype, type is set to float16 by default!
D RKNN: [23:30:53.019] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNWeightTransposePass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.019] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNCPUWeightTransposePass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.019] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNCPUWeightTransposePass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.019] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNModelBuildPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] RKNNModelBuildPass: [Statistics]
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] total_regcfg_size : 6216
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] total_diff_regcfg_size: 6256
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNModelBuildPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNModelRegCmdbuildPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] Network Layer Information Table
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] ID OpType DataType Target InputShape OutputShape DDRCycles NPUCycles MaxCycles TaskNumber RW(KB) FullName
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] 0 InputOperator INT8 CPU \ (1,1,32,32) 0 0 0 0/0 0 InputOperator:input.1
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] 1 ConvRelu INT8 NPU (1,1,32,32),(6,1,5,5),(6) (1,6,28,28) 2321 19600 19600 1/0 1 Conv:/0/Conv
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] 2 MaxPool INT8 NPU (1,6,28,28) (1,6,14,14) 2546 0 2546 1/0 12 MaxPool:/2/MaxPool
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] 3 ConvRelu INT8 NPU (1,6,14,14),(16,6,5,5),(16) (1,16,10,10) 1829 2800 2800 1/0 9 Conv:/3/Conv
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] 4 MaxPool INT8 NPU (1,16,10,10) (1,16,5,5) 325 0 325 1/0 1 MaxPool:/5/MaxPool
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] 5 ConvRelu INT8 NPU (1,16,5,5),(120,16,5,5),(120) (1,120,1,1) 8045 3200 8045 1/0 48 Conv:/7/Gemm_2conv
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] 6 ConvRelu INT8 NPU (1,120,1,1),(84,120,1,1),(84) (1,84,1,1) 1798 384 1798 1/0 10 Conv:/9/Gemm_2conv
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] 7 Conv INT8 NPU (1,84,1,1),(10,84,1,1),(10) (1,10,1,1) 195 64 195 1/0 1 Conv:/11/Gemm_2conv
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] 8 Reshape INT8 NPU (1,10,1,1),(2) (1,10) 7 0 7 1/0 0 Reshape:/11/Gemm_2conv_reshape2
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] 9 OutputOperator INT8 CPU (1,10) \ 0 0 0 0/0 0 OutputOperator:22
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNModelRegCmdbuildPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.028] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNFlatcModelBuildPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] Export Mini RKNN model to /tmp/tmpujiow0wl/dumps/main_graph.mini.rknn
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] >>>>>> end: rknn::RKNNFlatcModelBuildPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] >>>>>> start: rknn::RKNNMemStatisticsPass
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] Feature Tensor Information Table
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] ID User Tensor DataType DataFormat OrigShape NativeShape | [Start End) Size
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 1 ConvRelu input.1 INT8 NC1HWC2 (1,1,32,32) (1,1,32,32,1) | 0x00012880 0x00012c80 0x00000400
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 2 MaxPool /1/Relu_output_0 INT8 NC1HWC2 (1,6,28,28) (1,1,28,28,16) | 0x00012c80 0x00015d80 0x00003100
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 3 ConvRelu /2/MaxPool_output_0 INT8 NC1HWC2 (1,6,14,14) (1,1,14,14,16) | 0x00015d80 0x000169c0 0x00000c40
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 4 MaxPool /4/Relu_output_0 INT8 NC1HWC2 (1,16,10,10) (1,1,10,10,16) | 0x00012880 0x00012ec0 0x00000640
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 5 ConvRelu /5/MaxPool_output_0 INT8 NC1HWC2 (1,16,5,5) (1,1,5,5,16) | 0x00012ec0 0x00013080 0x000001c0
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 6 ConvRelu /8/Relu_output_0_before INT8 NC1HWC2 (1,120,1,1) (1,8,1,1,16) | 0x00012880 0x00012900 0x00000080
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 7 Conv /10/Relu_output_0_shape4 INT8 NC1HWC2 (1,84,1,1) (1,6,1,1,16) | 0x00012900 0x00012960 0x00000060
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 8 Reshape 22_conv INT8 NC1HWC2 (1,10,1,1) (1,1,1,1,16) | 0x00012880 0x00012890 0x00000010
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 9 OutputOperator 22 INT8 UNDEFINED (1,10) (1,10) | 0x00012900 0x00012940 0x00000040
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] Const Tensor Information Table
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] ------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] ID User Tensor DataType OrigShape | [Start End) Size
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] ------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 1 ConvRelu 0.weight INT8 (6,1,5,5) | 0x00000000 0x00000280 0x00000280
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 1 ConvRelu 0.bias INT32 (6) | 0x00000280 0x00000300 0x00000080
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 3 ConvRelu 3.weight INT8 (16,6,5,5) | 0x00000300 0x00001c00 0x00001900
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 3 ConvRelu 3.bias INT32 (16) | 0x00001c00 0x00001c80 0x00000080
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 5 ConvRelu 7.weight INT8 (120,16,5,5) | 0x00001c80 0x0000d800 0x0000bb80
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 5 ConvRelu 7.bias INT32 (120) | 0x0000d800 0x0000dc00 0x00000400
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 6 ConvRelu 9.weight INT8 (84,120,1,1) | 0x0000dc00 0x00010600 0x00002a00
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 6 ConvRelu 9.bias INT32 (84) | 0x00010600 0x00010900 0x00000300
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 7 Conv 11.weight INT8 (10,84,1,1) | 0x00010900 0x00010cc0 0x000003c0
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 7 Conv 11.bias INT32 (10) | 0x00010cc0 0x00010d40 0x00000080
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] 8 Reshape /11/Gemm_2conv_reshape2_shape INT64 (2) | 0x00010d40*0x00010d80 0x00000040
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] ------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] ----------------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] Total Internal Memory Size: 16.3125KB
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] Total Weight Memory Size: 67.375KB
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] ----------------------------------------
D RKNN: [23:30:53.029] <<<<<<<< end: rknn::RKNNMemStatisticsPass
I rknn buiding done.
--> Export rknn model