_WDWORD(0x56000000, 0x000003FF); // GPACON: Enable Address lines for SDRAM
// Reset chip with watchdog, because nRST line is routed on hardware in a way
// that it can not be pulled low with ULINK
_WDWORD(0x40000000, 0xEAFFFFFE); // Load RAM addr 0 with branch to itself
CPSR = 0x000000D3; // Disable interrupts
PC = 0x40000000; // Position PC to start of RAM
_WDWORD(0x53000000, 0x00000021); // Enable Watchdog
g, 0 // Wait for Watchdog to reset chip
Init(); // Initialize memory
LOAD my_led.axf INCREMENTAL // Download program
PC = 0x00000000; // Setup for Running