可是问题是我现在安装了VS SP1 和pb sp1,根据模板生成了NK。bin,但我去启动模拟器时还是黑屏,提示信息如下:
PB Debugger Warning: Debugger service map is set to none. If your image has debugging support it may not boot properly.
PB Debugger Cannot initialize the Kernel Debugger.
PB Debugger Debugger could not initialize connection.
PB Debugger The Kernel Debugger is waiting to connect with target.
PB Debugger The Kernel Debugger has been disconnected successfully.
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0 Setting up softlog at 0x83eeb000 for 0x800 entries
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0 Booting Windows CE version 6.00 for (ARM)
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0 &pTOC = 834b1c1c, pTOC = 8347bf14, pTOC->ulRamFree = 834b6000, MemForPT = 00001000
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0
Old or invalid version stamp in kernel structures - starting clean!
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0 OEMGetExtensionDRAM: found 0x04000000 bytes of ram at 0x94000000
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0 OEMGetExtensionDRAM: returning 0x04000000 bytes of ram at 0x94000000
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0 Configuring: Primary pages: 2609, Secondary pages: 16376, Filesystem pages = 9492
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0
Booting kernel with clean memory configuration:
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0 Memory Sections:
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0 [0] : start: 834b8000, extension: 00002000, length: 00a31000
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0 [1] : start: 94000000, extension: 00008000, length: 03ff8000
4294767296 PID:0 TID:0 NKStartup done, starting up kernel.
4294767297 PID:0 TID:0 Windows CE KernelInit
4294767632 PID:400002 TID:2 Reserve VM for kernel XIP DLls, first = c0010000, last = c11b0000
4294767635 PID:400002 TID:2 g_pprcNK == 0x834afaa0
4294767638 PID:400002 TID:410002 Updated eptr->e32_vsize to = 00013000
4294767642 PID:400002 TID:410002 Initializing Memory Mapped File Support
4294767643 PID:400002 TID:410002 Scheduling the first thread.
4294767646 PID:400002 TID:410002 Detecting VFP...
4294767647 PID:400002 TID:410002 VFP Not Found!
4294767649 PID:400002 TID:410002 LoaderInit: Initialing loader
4294767653 PID:400002 TID:410002 Updated eptr->e32_vsize to = 00013000
4294767656 PID:400002 TID:410002 Updated eptr->e32_vsize to = 000a2000
4294767658 PID:400002 TID:410002 Updated eptr->e32_vsize to = 00010000
4294767765 PID:400002 TID:410002 Heap Statistics at 0xC01B9AC0
4294767834 PID:400002 TID:410002 PGPOOL: Reserved 768 pages for Loader pool
4294767840 PID:400002 TID:410002 PGPOOL: Reserved 256 pages for File pool
4294767923 PID:400002 TID:410002 OSAXST0: Platform Name = DeviceEmulator
4294768014 PID:400002 TID:410002 OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'kd.dll' (0x97FD587C) at address 0xC0010000-0xC0045000 in Process 'NK.EXE' (0x834AFAA0)
4294768030 PID:400002 TID:410002 KD: Starting kernel debugger software probe (KdStub) - KD API version 22
4294768039 PID:400002 TID:410002 OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'NK.EXE' (0x834AFAA0) at address 0x80070000-0x80083000 in Process 'NK.EXE' (0x834AFAA0)