






几道简单的题,哪位大虾能帮忙解答 [复制链接]

1. Multiple Asynchronous Interrupt Signal sources could be tied together to the Processor Interrupt Input Pin, using
a. Logic buffer drivers
b. Logic inverter drivers
c. Buffers with Open Collector/drain outputs
d. Tristate buffers/inverters

2. In an embedded system, FLASH is normally used for the following:
a. Store volatile data
b. As high-speed RAM to run software
c. Store Non-volatile data
d. Make the system run faster

3. Which are properties of HSTL I/O?
a. generally runs at 1.5 V
b. generally runs at 3.3 V
c. always single-ended I/O
d. can be single-ended or differential I/O
e. limited in frequency to 50MHz

4. Which of the following is equal to (A+B)’?
a. AB
b. A’B’
c. A+B
d. A’+B’

5. What is the effective inductance of two inductors connected in series: L1 and L2?
a. L1 + L2
b. L1 * L2
c. (L1+L2)/(L1*L2)
d. L1*L2/(L1 + L2)


1. Multiple Asynchronous Interrupt Signal sources could be tied together to the Processor Interrupt Input Pin, using   d a. Logic buffer drivers b. Logic inverter drivers c. Buffers with Open Collector/drain outputs d. Tristate buffers/inverters 2. In an embedded system, FLASH is normally used for the following:  c a. Store volatile data b. As high-speed RAM to run software c. Store Non-volatile data d. Make the system run faster 3. Which are properties of HSTL I/O?    a d a. generally runs at 1.5 V b. generally runs at 3.3 V c. always single-ended I/O d. can be single-ended or differential I/O e. limited in frequency to 50MHz 4. Which of the following is equal to (A+B)’?     b//数字电子的与非逻辑关系 a. AB b. A’B’ c. A+B d. A’+B’ 5. What is the effective inductance of two inductors connected in series: L1 and L2?   a a. L1 + L2 b. L1 * L2 c. (L1+L2)/(L1*L2) d. L1*L2/(L1 + L2)   详情 回复 发表于 2008-6-16 14:56
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1. Multiple Asynchronous Interrupt Signal sources could be tied together to the Processor Interrupt Input Pin, using   d
a. Logic buffer drivers
b. Logic inverter drivers
c. Buffers with Open Collector/drain outputs
d. Tristate buffers/inverters

2. In an embedded system, FLASH is normally used for the following:  c
a. Store volatile data
b. As high-speed RAM to run software
c. Store Non-volatile data
d. Make the system run faster

3. Which are properties of HSTL I/O?    a d
a. generally runs at 1.5 V
b. generally runs at 3.3 V
c. always single-ended I/O
d. can be single-ended or differential I/O
e. limited in frequency to 50MHz

4. Which of the following is equal to (A+B)’?     b//数字电子的与非逻辑关系
a. AB
b. A’B’
c. A+B
d. A’+B’

5. What is the effective inductance of two inductors connected in series: L1 and L2?   a
a. L1 + L2
b. L1 * L2
c. (L1+L2)/(L1*L2)
d. L1*L2/(L1 + L2)

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