FRMCTR1(0xb1):Frame Rate Control1,Set the frame frequency of the full colors normal mode.Frame rate=fosc/((RTNA x 2 + 40) x (LINE + FPA + BPA +2)),fosc = 850kHz
FRMCTR2(0xb2):Frame Rate Control2,Set the frame frequency of the Idle mode,Frame rate=fosc/((RTNA x 2 + 40) x (LINE + FPB + BPB +2)),fosc = 850kHz
FRMCTR3(0xb3):Frame Rate Control3,1-3 are used in dot inversion mode。4-6 parameter to 6 parameter are used in column inversion mode
MADCTL(36h): Memory Data Access Control,(my,行地址顺序)(mx,列地址顺序)(mv 行列脚换顺序)(ml 垂直刷新顺序,0,从上到下,1,从下到上)(mh 水平刷新顺序,0 从左到右,1从右到左)