如 msdn 所示:
Windows Embedded CE supports universal serial bus (USB) 2.0. This section provides links to topics that explain USB host controller drivers, the provided sample drivers, the required registry settings, and a programming reference.
Windows Embedded CE supports multiple host controllers. A host controller is a hardware component that is contained in a host computer. The host controller driver converts data between the format that is used by the host computer and the format used by the USB host controller. You must write a USB host controller driver only if you are building a hardware platform with host controller hardware that does not conform to one of the host controller specifications: universal host controller interface (UHCI), open host controller interface (OHCI), or enhanced host controller interface (EHCI).
OHCI or UHCI drivers must link with Hcdlib.lib. This library implements common functionality for OHCI and UHCI. In Windows CE .NET 4.1 and earlier, a platform that built its own OHCI or UHCI linked with Ohcdmdd2.lib or Uhcdmdd.lib. With Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later, they must also link with Hcdlib.lib. Hcdlib.lib implements functionality that is common between OHCI and UHCI.
USB Function Controller Driver
Beginning with Windows CE 5.0, universal serial bus (USB) function controller drivers are no longer monolithic. A monolithic driver combines all platform dependent drivers (PDDs) and model device drivers (MDDs) into one driver.
USB function controller drivers are layered drivers. They contain an MDD and a PDD. This eases portability across hardware platforms. The client drivers are abstracted as separate clients that are loaded by the USB function driver. For more information about MDDs, PDDs, and monolithic drivers, see Layered Drivers vs. Monolithic Drivers.
如 msdn 所示:
Windows Embedded CE supports universal serial bus (USB) 2.0. This section provides links to topics that explain USB host controller drivers,
the provided sample drivers, the required registry settings, and a programming reference.
Windows Embedded CE supports multiple host controllers. A host controller is a hardware component that is contained in a host computer.
The host controller driver converts data between the format that is used by the host computer and the format used by the USB host controller.
You must write a USB host controller driver only if you are building a hardware platform with host controller hardware that
does not conform to one of the host controller specifications: universal host controller interface (UHCI),
open host controller interface (OHCI), or enhanced host controller interface (EHCI).
OHCI or UHCI drivers must link with Hcdlib.lib.
This library implements common functionality for OHCI and UHCI. In Windows CE .NET 4.1 and earlier,
a platform that built its own OHCI or UHCI linked with Ohcdmdd2.lib or Uhcdmdd.lib.
With Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later, they must also link with Hcdlib.lib. Hcdlib.lib
implements functionality that is common between OHCI and UHCI.
USB Function Controller Driver
Beginning with Windows CE 5.0, universal serial bus (USB)
function controller drivers are no longer monolithic.
A monolithic driver combines all platform dependent drivers (PDDs) and model device drivers (MDDs) into one driver.
USB function controller drivers are layered drivers.
They contain an MDD and a PDD. This eases portability across hardware platforms.
The client drivers are abstracted as separate clients that are loaded by the USB function driver.
For more information about MDDs, PDDs, and monolithic drivers,
see Layered Drivers vs. Monolithic Drivers.