; SDIO8686 registry file
; Copyright (C) Marvell Corporation
; registry keys for the Streams portion of the driver
"Dll"="SDIO8686.dll" ; use the "streams" interface portion to load the NDIS portion
; add instance key for each instance that can be added
"Instance0"="SDIO8686:SDIO86861" ; "InstanceX" = ":"
; Registry keys
; registry keys for the NDIS driver
"DisplayName"="Marvell SDIO8686 Wireless Card"
; "NoDeviceCreate"=dword:01
; instance 1 information
"DisplayName"="Marvell SDIO8686 Wireless Card"
; instance 1 parameters
; TCPIP linkage to instance 1 adapter
; setup card parameters
; following is for BT/WLAN multi-functions driver 1:enable BT/WLAN multi-function driver, 0:WLAN only
; adhoc starter default channel
; adhoc starter WiFi test datarate modify or not
; adhoc default band, 1:G, 0:B
; 1:SDIO 4 bit mode; 0: SDIO 1 bit mode
;Set the priority of SdioIstThread
;Set the value of AvoidScanTime after connected
;Set NEW_RSSI parameters
;Set ACTIVE_ROAMING with BackGround Scan
;Set the value of Enable80211D
;Set the value of LocalListenInterval
;Set support 32bytes ESSID
;Set the value to use GPIO pin as Interrupt pin, 1:use GPIO pin as interrupt source; 0:used SDIO bus interrupt
;Set the GPIO pin # to be used as Interrupt pin
;Setup interrupt trigger edge, 0: Rasing edge, 1:Falling edge
;Setup interrupt pluse width(us)
;Set the value of NullPktInterval, 0: unchanged.
;Set the value of MultipleDTim
;Set the value of AdhocAwakePeriod
;Set MAC frame type
;Set Auto Deep Sleep Time, 2 seconds unit.
;Set Association fail retry times while asso. fail.
;Roaming parameters ++
;Set the value of RoamSignalStrengthThreshold
;Channel list. Valid value is from 0x00000000 ~ 0x00007ff
; => bit=1, channel[i+1] will be scanned
; Scan interval per channel(ms)
;RSSI threshold. If the next AP's RSSI is higher more than this value, roam to that AP
;Scan algorithm
; 0: Use background scan
; 1: Use active scan
;Roaming parameters --
;Bus power is on/off in D3
; (0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x40)=(USA FCC, Canada IC, Europe ETSI, Spain, France, JP MKK)
; default TCPIP settings for this instance
; This should be MULTI_SZ
; Use zero for broadcast address? (or
; Thus should be MULTI_SZ, the IP address list
; This should be MULTI_SZ, the subnet masks for the above IP addresses
; setup monolithic SDIO Bus and SDHC parameters
"ThreadPriority"=dword:64 ; default thread priority for dispatch thread
"RequestListDepth"=dword:30 ; pre-allocated requests
"ControllerIRQ"=dword:17 ; IRQ_MMC 23
"CardDetectIRQ"=dword:20 ; IRQ_GPIO0_MMCCD 32
"CardDetectIRQ"=dword:28 ; IRQ_GPIOXX_MMCCD 40
"DMAChannel"=dword:14 ;comment this out to disable DMA support
"DMAIRQ"=dword:19 ; IRQ_DMAC = 25
"MaximumClockFrequency"=dword:1312D00 ; clock rate 989680(10MHz) 1312D00(20MHz)