PB Debugger Loaded symbols for 'C:\WINCE600\OSDESIGNS\TESTFS2410_V2\TESTFS2410_V2\RELDIR\FS2410_ARMV4I_RELEASE\FS2410TOUCH.DLL'
4294834187 PID:400002 TID:f70012 calibrating 0 point set
4294834214 PID:400002 TID:f70012 ::: DdsiTouchPanelEnable()
4294834257 PID:400002 TID:f70012 ::: TSP_VirtualAlloc() - Success
4294834284 PID:400002 TID:f70012 INFO: Touch driver using processor frequency reported by the OAL (50750000 Hz).
4294834312 PID:400002 TID:f70012 ::: TSP_PowerOn()
4294834345 PID:400002 TID:f70012 v_pPWMregs->TCNTB3 is: 0xef9b
4294834392 PID:400002 TID:f70012 TOUCH:TouchPanelpGetPriority - RegOpenKeyEx(\Drivers\BuiltIn\Touch) failed 2, using default thread priorities
4294834421 PID:400002 TID:2230002 ::: DdsiTouchPanelGetPoint()
4294834448 PID:400002 TID:2230002 ::: DdsiTouchPanelGetPoint()
4294834484 PID:400002 TID:f70012 calibrating 5 point set
4294834515 PID:400002 TID:f70012 Maximum Allowed Error 7:
4294834542 PID:400002 TID:f70012 Calibration Results:
4294834569 PID:400002 TID:f70012 Screen => Mapped
4294834598 PID:400002 TID:f70012 ( 160, 120) => ( 164, 120)
4294834625 PID:400002 TID:f70012 ( 32, 24) => ( 31, 23)
4294834652 PID:400002 TID:f70012 ( 32, 216) => ( 31, 217)
4294834680 PID:400002 TID:f70012 ( 288, 216) => ( 287, 215)
4294834707 PID:400002 TID:f70012 ( 288, 24) => ( 287, 25)
4294834735 PID:400002 TID:f70012 Maximum error (square of Euclidean distance in screen units) = 16
4294834767 PID:400002 TID:f70012 Oom Low Pages: 0020 Bytes: 00020000
4294834794 PID:400002 TID:f70012 Oom Critical Pages: 0014 Bytes: 00014000
4294834822 PID:400002 TID:2270002 Grow Gdi handle table from 64 to 128
4294834846 PID:400002 TID:f70012 Oom Low Block Pages: 0004 Bytes: 00004000
4294834879 PID:400002 TID:f70012 Oom Critical Block Pages: 0002 Bytes: 00002000
4294834906 PID:400002 TID:f70012 Oom App Wait 8000 (dec ms)
4294834933 PID:400002 TID:f70012 Oom AutoOom 0
4294834970 PID:400002 TID:f70012 UpdateIdleTimeoutFromRegistry
4294834999 PID:400002 TID:f70012 GWES initialized properly
4294855882 PID:1ad0002 TID:2a30002 [NOTIFY] SetUserNotification::Registring system watch: event 1 app \\.\Notifications\NamedEvents\TaskbarTimeChangeEvent args AppRunAfterTimeChange
4294867049 PID:400002 TID:2230002 ::: DdsiTouchPanelGetPoint()
4294867080 PID:400002 TID:2230002 before change: px : 89
4294867107 PID:400002 TID:2230002 before change: py : 85
4294867135 PID:400002 TID:2230002 after change px : 1278
4294867162 PID:400002 TID:2230002 after change py : 958
4294867190 PID:400002 TID:2230002 ::: DdsiTouchPanelGetPoint()
4294867222 PID:400002 TID:2230002 ::: DdsiTouchPanelGetPoint()
4294867249 PID:400002 TID:2230002 ::: DdsiTouchPanelGetPoint()
4294867281 PID:2320002 TID:2a30002 Screen Saver Ended.
我只是点了一下开始按钮,结果就变成了Screen Saver Ended,以后怎么点也没有反应了。这个问题在一开始好像就存在。谁能帮忙找到解决方向啊! |