本帖最后由 donatello1996 于 2022-10-23 21:27 编辑
i2cdetect管理软件有几个指令,比如i2cdump i2cset等。
- void MPU6050_Init()
- {
- uint8_t write_data[1];
- write_data[0] = 0x07;
- I2C_Device_Write (0x68 , write_data , 1 , SMPLRT_DIV);
- write_data[0] = 0x01;
- I2C_Device_Write (0x68 , write_data , 1 , PWR_MGMT_1);
- write_data[0] = 0;
- I2C_Device_Write (0x68 , write_data , 1 , CONFIG);
- write_data[0] = 24;
- I2C_Device_Write (0x68 , write_data , 1 , GYRO_CONFIG);
- write_data[0] = 0x01;
- I2C_Device_Write (0x68 , write_data , 1 , INT_ENABLE);
- }
- int BMP280_Init()
- {
- uint8_t ret , i2c_read_data[2];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , &ret , 1 , 0xd0);
- if (ret == 0x58)
- {
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x88);
- dig_t1 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x8a);
- dig_t2 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x8c);
- dig_t3 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x8e);
- dig_p1 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x90);
- dig_p2 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x92);
- dig_p3 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x94);
- dig_p4 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x96);
- dig_p5 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x98);
- dig_p6 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x9a);
- dig_p7 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x9c);
- dig_p8 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- I2C_Device_Read(I2C_ADDR_BMP280 , i2c_read_data , 2 , 0x9e);
- dig_p9 = i2c_read_data[1] << 8 | i2c_read_data[0];
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- int I2C_Device_Write(uint8_t i2c_dev_addr , uint8_t s[] , int len , uint8_t reg_addr)
- {
- int i;
- if ((i2c2_fd = open(I2C_INTER_DEVICE , O_RDWR))<0)
- {
- qDebug("Fail to open i2c-2 device\n");
- return 1;
- }
- ioctl(i2c2_fd , I2C_TIMEOUT , 2);
- ioctl(i2c2_fd , I2C_RETRIES , 1);
- i2c2.nmsgs = 1;
- i2c2.msgs = (struct i2c_msg*)malloc(i2c2.nmsgs * sizeof(struct i2c_msg));
- if(!i2c2.msgs)
- {
- qDebug("malloc error\n");
- return 2;
- }
- i2c2.nmsgs = 1;
- i2c2.msgs[0].len = 1 + len;
- i2c2.msgs[0].addr = i2c_dev_addr;
- i2c2.msgs[0].flags = 0;
- i2c2.msgs[0].buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(1 + len);
- i2c2.msgs[0].buf[0] = reg_addr;
- memcpy(i2c2.msgs[0].buf + 1 , s , len);
- if(ioctl(i2c2_fd , I2C_RDWR , &i2c2) < 0)
- {
- qDebug("Write failed.\n");
- for(i = 0 ; i < i2c2.nmsgs ; i ++)
- {
- free(i2c2.msgs.buf);
- }
- free(i2c2.msgs);
- close(i2c2_fd);
- return 3;
- }
- else
- {
- qDebug("Write success.\n");
- for(i = 0 ; i < i2c2.nmsgs ; i ++)
- {
- free(i2c2.msgs.buf);
- }
- free(i2c2.msgs);
- close(i2c2_fd);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int I2C_Device_Read(uint8_t i2c_dev_addr , uint8_t read_data[] , int len , uint8_t reg_addr)
- {
- int i;
- if ((i2c2_fd = open(I2C_INTER_DEVICE , O_RDWR))<0)
- {
- qDebug("Fail to open %s device\n" , I2C_INTER_DEVICE);
- return 1;
- }
- ioctl(i2c2_fd , I2C_TIMEOUT , 2);
- ioctl(i2c2_fd , I2C_RETRIES , 1);
- i2c2.nmsgs = 2;
- i2c2.msgs = (struct i2c_msg*)malloc(i2c2.nmsgs * sizeof(struct i2c_msg));
- if(!i2c2.msgs)
- {
- qDebug("malloc error\n");
- return 2;
- }
- (i2c2.msgs[0]).len = 1;
- (i2c2.msgs[0]).addr = i2c_dev_addr;
- (i2c2.msgs[0]).flags = 0;
- (i2c2.msgs[0]).buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(1);
- (i2c2.msgs[0]).buf[0] = reg_addr;
- (i2c2.msgs[1]).len = len;
- (i2c2.msgs[1]).addr = i2c_dev_addr;
- (i2c2.msgs[1]).flags = I2C_M_RD;
- (i2c2.msgs[1]).buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(len);
- (i2c2.msgs[1]).buf[0] = 0;
- if(ioctl(i2c2_fd , I2C_RDWR , &i2c2) < 0)
- {
- qDebug("Read failed.\n");
- for(i = 0 ; i < i2c2.nmsgs ; i ++)
- {
- free(i2c2.msgs.buf);
- }
- free(i2c2.msgs);
- close(i2c2_fd);
- return 3;
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy(read_data , i2c2.msgs[1].buf , len);
- for(i = 0 ; i < i2c2.nmsgs ; i ++)
- {
- free(i2c2.msgs.buf);
- }
- free(i2c2.msgs);
- close(i2c2_fd);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- QVector3D:
- Cube3D::Cube3D(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
- {
- vertexArr = QVector<QVector3D>{
- QVector3D{1, 1, 1},
- QVector3D{1, -1, 1},
- QVector3D{-1, -1, 1},
- QVector3D{-1, 1, 1},
- QVector3D{1, 1, -1},
- QVector3D{1, -1, -1},
- QVector3D{-1, -1, -1},
- QVector3D{-1, 1, -1}};
- elementArr = QVector<QVector<int>>{
- {0, 1, 2, 3},
- {4, 5, 6, 7},
- {0, 4, 5, 1},
- {1, 5, 6, 2},
- {2, 6, 7, 3},
- {3, 7, 4, 0}};
- setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus);
- startTimer(50);
- }
- QPainter:
- void TBP::Dashboard(int value1,int value2,int value3,
- QColor qc1,QColor qc2,QColor qc3)
- {
- int i;
- if(value1 < 0)value1 = 0;
- if(value1 > 100)value1 = 100;
- if(value2 < 0)value2 = 0;
- if(value2 > 100)value2 = 100;
- static const QPoint secondHand[3] =
- {
- QPoint(4,17),
- QPoint(-4,17),
- QPoint(0, -100)
- };
- static const QPoint secondHand1[3] =
- {
- QPoint(2,17),
- QPoint(-2,17),
- QPoint(0, -50)
- };
- qpainter->restore();
- qpainter->save();
- qpainter->rotate(0);
- QColor qc4(220 , 220 , 220);
- qpainter->fillRect(-250 , -250 , 500 , 500 , qc4);
- qpainter->restore();
- qpainter->save();
- qpainter->rotate(-156);
- for(i = 0 ; i <= 100 ; i++)
- {
- qpainter->rotate(3);
- if(i % 10 == 0 && i > 0)
- {
- qpainter->setPen(Qt::black);
- qpainter->drawLine(0,-130,1,-110);
- qpainter->drawLine(1,-130,0,-110);
- qpainter->drawLine(0,-130,0,-110);
- qpainter->drawLine(1,-130,1,-110);
- }
- else qpainter->setPen(Qt::blue);
- qpainter->drawLine(0,-130,0,-120);
- }
- qpainter->rotate(0);
- for(i = 0 ; i <= 20 ; i++)
- {
- qpainter->rotate(3);
- qpainter->setPen(QColor(255,255,0));
- qpainter->drawLine(0,-130,0,-110);
- }
- qpainter->setPen(Qt::black);
- QRectF rect1(-130 , -130 , 260, 260);
- qpainter->drawEllipse(rect1);
- QRectF rect2(-129 , -129 , 258, 258);
- qpainter->drawEllipse(rect2);
- QRectF rect3(-131 , -131 , 262, 262);
- qpainter->drawEllipse(rect3);
- QRectF rect4(-131 , -131 , 261, 261);
- qpainter->drawEllipse(rect4);
- QRectF rect5(-129 , -129 , 259, 259);
- qpainter->drawEllipse(rect5);
- qpainter->restore();
- qpainter->save();
- qpainter->rotate(-153 + value1 * 3);
- qpainter->setPen(qc1);
- qpainter->setBrush(qc1);
- qpainter->drawEllipse(-5,-5,10,10);
- qpainter->drawConvexPolygon(secondHand,3);
- qpainter->restore();
- qpainter->save();
- qpainter->rotate(-153+value2*3);
- qpainter->setPen(qc2);
- qpainter->setBrush(qc2);
- qpainter->drawEllipse(-5,-5,10,10);
- qpainter->drawConvexPolygon(secondHand,3);
- qpainter->restore();
- qpainter->save();
- qpainter->rotate((-value3)*3/5+804);
- qpainter->setPen(qc3);
- qpainter->setBrush(qc3);
- qpainter->drawEllipse(-5,-5,10,10);
- qpainter->drawConvexPolygon(secondHand1,3);
- qpainter->restore();
- qpainter->save();
- qpainter->setFont(QFont("Arial",12,QFont::Bold));
- qpainter->drawText(-80,125,"0");
- qpainter->drawText(-135,80,"10");
- qpainter->drawText(-160,13,"20");
- qpainter->drawText(-155,-22,"25");
- qpainter->drawText(-142,-58,"30");
- qpainter->drawText(-90,-113,"40");
- qpainter->drawText(-18,-135,"50");
- qpainter->drawText(125,-40,"75");
- qpainter->drawText(70,122,"100");
- qpainter->setPen(qc3);
- qpainter->setFont(QFont("Arial",8,QFont::Light));
- qpainter->drawText(-60,80,"990");
- qpainter->drawText(-15,100,"1040");
- qpainter->drawText(30,80,"1090");
- qpainter->setPen(Qt::darkBlue);
- qpainter->setBrush(Qt::darkBlue);
- qpainter->rotate(-146);
- for(i = 0 ; i <= 2950 ; i++)
- {
- qpainter->rotate(0.1);
- qpainter->drawLine(0,-180,0,-160);
- }
- QRectF rect9(-10, -180, 20, 20);
- qpainter->drawEllipse(rect9);
- qpainter->setPen(Qt::cyan);
- qpainter->setBrush(Qt::yellow);
- qpainter->rotate(-295);
- QRectF rect10(-10, -180, 20, 20);
- qpainter->drawEllipse(rect10);
- for(i = 0 ; i <= 2000 ; i++)
- {
- qpainter->rotate(0.1);
- qpainter->drawLine(0,-180,0,-160);
- }
- qpainter->drawEllipse(rect10);
- QWidget::update();
- }
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