Enter your selection: w
Clear the free memory
Please send the Image through USB.
Download Address=0x80200000 Length=0x1d77748
Low Level Format: Start = 0x0500, Num = 0x1fb00
Create Partition: Start = 0x600, Num = 0xec00.
Create Partition: Start = 0xf200, Num = 0x10700.
Start Windows CE...;Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Sep 30 2007 at 22:35:41
ProcessorType=0920 Revision=0
OEMAddressTable = 8022a980
DCache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
ICache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
Arguments area is initialized
Error Reporting Memory Reserved, dump size = 00020000
Setting up softlog at 0x83ddc000 for 0x800 entries
Booting Windows CE version 6.00 for (ARM)
&pTOC = 8200ac1c, pTOC = 81f759fc, pTOC->ulRamFree = 8200f000, MemForPT = 00001000
Old or invalid version stamp in kernel structures - starting clean!
Configuring: Primary pages: 7623, Secondary pages: 0, Filesystem pages = 3811
Booting kernel with clean memory configuration:
Memory Sections:
[0] : start: 82011000, extension: 00004000, length: 01dc7000
NKStartup done, starting up kernel.
Windows CE KernelInit
Reserve VM for kernel XIP DLls, first = c0010000, last = c12c0000
g_pprcNK == 0x82008aa0
Updated eptr->e32_vsize to = 00037000
Initializing Memory Mapped File Support
Scheduling the first thread.
Detecting VFP... VFP Not Found!
LoaderInit: Initialing loader
Updated eptr->e32_vsize to = 00037000
Updated eptr->e32_vsize to = 000a2000
PGPOOL: Reserved 768 pages for Loader pool
PGPOOL: Reserved 256 pages for File pool
OSAXST0: Platform Name = SMDK2440 Board
OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'kd.dll' (0x83DB7744) at address 0xC0010000-0xC0045000 in Process 'NK.EXE' (0x82008AA0)
KD: Starting kernel debugger software probe (KdStub) - KD API version 22
OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'NK.EXE' (0x82008AA0) at address 0x80200000-0x80237000 in Process 'NK.EXE' (0x82008AA0)
Message Queue support initialized, g_hMsgQHeap = d0040770
OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'filesys.dll' (0x83DB7E88) at address 0xC0200000-0xC029D000 in Process 'NK.EXE' (0x82008AA0)
OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'k.fpcrt.dll' (0x83D93574) at address 0xC01E0000-0xC01F8000 in Process 'NK.EXE' (0x82008AA0)
OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'fsdmgr.dll' (0x83D936BC) at address 0xC0590000-0xC05D5000 in Process 'NK.EXE' (0x82008AA0)
CertMod.dll not found, using old OEM Trust Model
FileSystem Starting - starting with clean file system
FSDMGR!MountTable_t::RegisterVolumeName: Registered "StoreMgr" at index 2FSDMGR!MountTable_t::RegisterVolume: Registered volume at index 2 (Name="StoreMgr", MountFlags=0x1)FSDMGR!InitializeROMFileSystem: File System=ROM
OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'romfsd.dll' (0x83D75930) at address 0xC02A0000-0xC02A7000 in Process 'NK.EXE' (0x82008AA0)
FSDMGR!MountTable_t::RegisterVolumeName: Registered "ROM" at index 3FSDMGR!MountTable_t::RegisterVolume: Registered volume at index 3 (Name="ROM", MountFlags=0x71)FSVOL: Opening existing volume
FSVOL: Volume heap already initialized
FSREG: Mounted ROM portion of boot registry
FSVOL: Creating clean virtual volume
FSVOL: Initializing volume heap
FSREG: Mounted RAM portion of boot registry
FS: Creating signal event SYSTEM/DevMgrApiSetReady
FS: Creating signal event SYSTEM/PowerManagerReady
FS: Creating signal event SYSTEM/GweApiSetReady
FS: Creating signal event ReleaseFSD
FS: Creating signal event SYSTEM/BatteryAPIsReady
FS: Creating signal event SYSTEM/NLedAPIsReady
FSREG: Unable to read value "Start DevMgr" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init\BootVars
FILESYS: Starting boot phase 0.
FSDMGR!STOREMGR_StartBootPhase BootPhase=0 (PrevBootPhase=-1)
FSDMGR: File security disabled.
FSDMGR!AutoLoadFileSystems: CurrentBootPhase=0, LoadFlags=1
FSDMGR!AutoLoadFileSystem: CurrentBootPhase=0, RootKey=System\StorageManager\AutoLoad, FileSystem_t=ObjectStore
FILESYS: RAM File System FSD_MountDisk registering folder "Object Store"
FSDMGR!MountTable_t::RegisterVolumeName: Registered "Object Store" at index 4FSDMGR!MountTable_t::RegisterVolume: Registered volume at index 4 (Name="", MountFlags=0x46)FSDMGR!AutoLoadFileSystem: CurrentBootPhase=0, RootKey=System\StorageManager\AutoLoad, FileSystem_t=SMFLASH
FSDMGR!AutoLoadBlockDevice: Auto-loF10c0OugiO2mtacFFSRE.FILESYSFSVOLcFFSRFSn
DF=FFnS02OS4eOOEO +euCCeddk!BeginCalibration: Elapsed is 188
CDECRO2DEDO)EODEOHHHcrDiOEDinen2EROiD3Re0O)\OO ECacit:E O[NOOSD0O0DeD[Oiuee[OSAAOS0 [NOTI[[[N[[n[DeviceFolder::LoadDevice(Drivers\BuiltIn\NTLMSSP_SVC) last 958 endmm[6THRDTerminate: Unable to terminate thread 01e80002
DEVICE!LaunchDevice: Init() failed for device 0xd04779b0
DEVICE!I_ActivateDeviceEx: couldn't activate: prefix , index -1, dll pcc_smdk2440.dll, context 0xd03ce67c
OSAXST1: <<< Unloading Module 'pcc_smdk2440.dll' (0x83C7D894) at address 0x(Dt(OtaO[0DlrOtneRO'[NOTOSAtDeviceFolder::LoadDe\O(SDdsO[NOn[OSNDIS: RebindAdaptersOnResume = 0
NDIS: PcmciaNeedsMapToScrOneFIin1D00r7= OO=n soii8dCp[0[rreset CS890d]uC8CEo(S [ O-nSDD dOA[NOE**OiOXDEVeOsT[N[yDaxQ09m+*[[natO[*v6+Bx0De[NO[EuKORRmBD
[rsOaOOl+r8C+m[C tr8Ot0ur=OSe0DeuOd\O[
[+D0D IRlAi0 DobID[[y[0ZmoSSrSIcZ(OIDO
s 9[[[NFT.Dev\[S0FCt0OSAXx-00IINtdKA. A ++Dr0OEao0[-K aPyR
OrUDecOs-OOe10(e 7C0 id0O4s0EOSAXST1:ItOdDConsoleFIL-OsOS-huOCFuG:+:
:0p-O uO t+2C+l+e::p:eI+DB:O1eE3lO028g5BA[Oc
从Log看内核好像已经起来了,因为已经schedule first thread了,看样子是不是后来的驱动出错了?