【平头哥RVB2601创意应用开发】使用体验09 -- YoC事件
本帖最后由 sonicfirr 于 2022-5-13 22:23 编辑
停滞了一段时间,继续RVB2601创意应用的开发工作。本人的创意项目需要RVB2601连接TCP Server——这个Server是建立在LoRa网关设备上的,所以基本就是用RVB2601去做LoRa网关的无线式上位机。
typedef void (*net_data_input_cb_t)(int linkid, void *data, size_t len, char remote_ip[16], uint16_t remote_ports);
不过案例的业务逻辑设计了这样一种需求:板子每隔固定周期会发出轮询帧,且发出后等待回复数据一定时间(默认10s),如果超时则再发轮询帧,最多尝试3次(也是默认,可以调整),这个需求通过定时器回调来实现的。好巧不巧上一阶段的工作主要完成NTP功能,自以为对C time库了解的不错,所以本人设计这样“有坑版”的代码写法:
//w800 input callback function
void aita_w800in_cb(int linkid, void *data, size_t len, char remote_ip[16], uint16_t remote_ports) {
uint8_t* d;
d = (uint8_t *)data;
printf("linkid: %d\n", linkid);
printf("len: %d\n", len);
printf("remote_ip: %s\n", remote_ip);
printf("remote_port: %d\n", remote_ports);
printf("data:%s\n", d);
if(remote_ports == GW_PORT) {
isTimeout = 0;
memset(USR220resbuff, 0, USR220RES_LEN);
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
USR220resbuff = d;
void aita_PollingFunc(void) {
int i = 0;
int cyc = 1;
time_t nowtime, endtime;
//connect to USR220 TCP Server
int ret = -1;
ret = w800_connect_remote(0, NET_TYPE_TCP_CLIENT, GW_IP, GW_PORT);
if(ret < 0) return;
for(i=0; i<endian_count; i++) {
aita_BuildCommandPack(i); //build polling pack
cyc = repeat; //repeat times when timeout
isOneEndianDone = 0;
while(cyc--) {
w800_send_data(comm_pack, COMMPACK_LEN, 3000);
isTimeout = 1;
endtime = time(NULL) + timeout;
while((nowtime=time(NULL)) < endtime) {
if(!isTimeout) {
cyc = 0;
isOneEndianDone = 1;
printf("usr220res: %s, len: %d\n", USR220resbuff, sizeof(USR220resbuff));
if(!isOneEndianDone) {
printf("%s disconnected\n", EID);
//断开TCP 连接
上述代码的逻辑也很简单,就是基于程序查询思想,发出一帧开始不断通过time(NULL)来获取本地时间,如果时间过去timeout秒,就表示超时了,而w800接收回调会将超时标志isTimeOut清零,帮助结束程序查询的循环——while((nowtime=time(NULL)) < endtime)。
https://yoc.docs.t-head.cn/yocbook/Chapter3-AliOS/%E6%93%8D%E4%BD%9C%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F%E6%8E%A5%E5%8F%A3/%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6.html 。
#define EVENT_FLAG_3 0x000000F0
aos_event_t usr220res_event;
void aita_InitEvent(void) {
int ret = -1;
ret = aos_event_new(&usr220res_event, 0);
if (ret != 0) {
printf("event create failed\n");
void aita_PollingFunc(void) {
int i = 0;
int cyc = 1;
//connect to USR220(LoRa Gateway) TCP Server
int ret = -1;
ret = w800_connect_remote(0, NET_TYPE_TCP_CLIENT, GW_IP, GW_PORT);
if(ret < 0) return;
//once polling request all endians
for(i=0; i<endian_count; i++) {
aita_BuildCommandPack(i);//build req pack in USR220 format
cyc = repeat;
isOneEndianDone = 0;
while(cyc--) {
w800_send_data(comm_pack, COMMPACK_LEN, 3000);
isTimeout = 1;
uint32_t actl_flags;
//wait for flag(0x000000F0) for timeout-seconds, if get the flag then clear the bit
aos_event_get(&usr220res_event, EVENT_FLAG_3, AOS_EVENT_OR_CLEAR, &actl_flags, timeout*1000);
if(!isTimeout) {
cyc = 0;
isOneEndianDone = 1;
printf("usr220res: %s, len: %d\n", USR220resbuff, sizeof(USR220resbuff));
if(!isOneEndianDone) {
printf("%s disconnected\n", EID);
//once polling done & disconnect to tcp server
void aita_w800in_cb(int linkid, void *data, size_t len, char remote_ip[16], uint16_t remote_ports) {
uint8_t* d;
d = (uint8_t *)data;
printf("linkid: %d\n", linkid);
printf("len: %d\n", len);
printf("remote_ip: %s\n", remote_ip);
printf("remote_port: %d\n", remote_ports);
printf("data:%s\n", d);
if(remote_ports == GW_PORT) {
isTimeout = 0;
memset(USR220resbuff, 0, USR220RES_LEN);
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
USR220resbuff = d;
aos_event_set(&usr220res_event, EVENT_FLAG_3, AOS_EVENT_OR);