InputFrequency Output Frequency MDIV PDIV SDIV
12.0000MHz 532.00 MHz 125(0x7d) 1 1
CLKDIVN 设置为1:3:6;,然后再系统中对所有的HCLK,FCLK,PCLK的宏定义进行修改。重新烧写镜像后系统跑不起来了,因为是第一次改主频,肯定是有什么地方没有改对,希望大家帮忙看下!!!!! 打印信息:
Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader for TQ2440/SKY2440 Version 2.4 Built Aug 22 2009
Press [ENTER] to launch image stored on boot media, or [SPACE] to enter boot monitor.
Initiating image launch in 0 seconds.
Launching image from boot media ...
+=OEMVerifyMemory+ dwStartAddr:0x80200000 dwLength:0x4
RAM image 0xa 0x80200003
+=OEMVerifyMemory+ dwStartAddr:0x80251dac dwLength:0x4
RAM image 0xa 0x80251daf
IsValidMBR: MBR sector = 0x1000
OpenPartition: Partition Exists=0x1 for part 0x21.
BP_SetDataPointer at 0x0
ReadData: Start = 0x0, Length = 0x1ee8200.
Log2Phys: Logical 0x1100 -> Physical 0x2100
System ready!
Preparing for download...
INFO: OEMLaunch: Jumping to Physical Address 0x30251DACh (Virtual Address 0x80251DACh)...
?Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled)ProcessorType=0920 Revision=0
sp_abt=ffff5000 sp_irq=ffff2800 sp_undef=ffffc800 OEMAddressTable+OEMInit
DCache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size 16384 size
ICache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size 16384 size
hahaha InitDisplay:640*480