; Area used to cache nk.bin while programming flash
FLSCACHE 80200000 01400000 RESERVED
DISPLAY 80100000 00100000 RESERVED
这个读NAND是有问题的:1,由于“unsigned int * p=NULL“;所以读出来的数据全都不是实际的数据;2,可能是内存分配问题,unsigned int * p=NULL;改为unsigned int * p,死在FMD_ReadSector(dwBlock*g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock, NULL, &si, 1);中 ~~~~
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icrosoft Windows CE Ethernet Bootloader Common Library Version 1.1 Built Mar 30 2010 13:24:02
Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader for the Samsung SMDK2440 Version 2.4 Built Mar 30 2010